Featured Poem • March 2018

Born of Blood and Tears
Christina Sng
A sapling emerges From rocky soil Born of blood and tears. Over autumn It grows spindly and tall And come winter It hibernates Till spring When it is fortified with bone. Summer sustains it With young fresh blood. By autumn It devours bracken and stone. In winter Its foliage quadruples. Spring finds it all Uprooted and gone Leaving a wake of death We follow.

Christina Sng is a poet, writer, and artist. Her work has appeared in numerous venues worldwide and garnered nominations for the Dwarf Star and Rhysling awards as well as honorable mentions in the Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror. She is the author of A Collection of Nightmares, Astropoetry, and Elgin Award nominee An Assortment of Sky Things. Visit her at ChristinaSng.com.
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