By Yukimi Ogawa
By Theodora Goss
By Mike Allen, C. S. E. Cooney,
Edited by Mike Allen
By C. S. E. Cooney
By Barbara Krasnoff By Nicole Kornher-Stace
By Mike Allen Edited by Mike and Anita Allen |
Songs for Ophelia
Theodora Goss
introduction by Catherynne M. Valente
Paperback: Amazon | Amazon UK | Amazon CA
Amazon DE | Barnes & Noble | Indiebound
Ebook: Amazon | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon DE
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Cover art by Virginia Lee
A Mythopoeic Award finalist
Mythic Delirium Books is proud to assume stewardship of the Theodora Goss Collection, originally published by our good friends at Papaveria Press, including Goss’s 2014 poetry collection Songs for Ophelia.
“These poems are otherworldly,” writes New York Times bestseller Catherynne M. Valente in her introduction. “They seem to come up out of the pages from another time, from an asteroid floating in the dark, its surface clotted and bound with forests, with luminous flowers, with figures walking under branches that might at any moment becoming grasping hands.”
About the author
Theodora Goss is the World Fantasy and Locus Award-winning author of novels, short stories, essays, and poetry, including her latest collection, Snow White Learns Witchcraft, which retells and recasts fairy tales by Charles Perrault, the Brothers Grimm, Hans Christian Andersen, and Oscar Wilde. Her acclaimed trilogy, The Extraordinary Adventures of the Athena Club, consists of the novels The Strange Case of the Alchemist’s Daughter, European Travel for the Monstrous Gentlewoman and The Sinister Mystery of the Mesmerizing Girl. Goss has been a finalist for the Nebula, Crawford, Seiun, and Mythopoeic Awards, as well as on the Tiptree Award Honor List, and her work has been translated into twelve languages. She teaches literature and writing at Boston University and in the Stonecoast MFA Program. Learn more at theodoragoss.com.
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