Stories and Poems Alphabetically by Author
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y
- Abad, Anne Carly
- The Secret Life of Cabinets, Mythic Delirium 2.1 (Jul/Sep 2015)
- Adams, Danny
- The Windmills Are Closed, Mythic Delirium 7 (Sum/Fal 2002)
- Unapishtim on Friday After Dessert, Mythic Delirium 13 (Sum/Fal 2005)
- Conjunctivitis of the Third Eye, Mythic Delirium 15 (Sum/Fal 2006)
- Last Gift From the Eldest, Mythic Delirium 20 (Win/Spr 2009)
- The World Belongs to the Young, Mythic Delirium 21 (Sum/Fal 2009)
- Aderman, Amy
- The Muse, Mythic Delirium 2.4 (Apr/Jun 2016)
- Aguirre, Forrest
- Never nor Ever, Clockwork Phoenix 2 (2009)
- Ahmed, Saladin
- Hooves and the Hovel of Abdel Jameela, Clockwork Phoenix 2 (2009)
- Alering, Alisa
- We Will Hold, Mythic Delirium 2.4 (Apr/Jun 2016)
- The Wanderer King, Clockwork Phoenix 4 (2013)
- Alexa, Camille
- Three Times, Clockwork Phoenix 4 (2013)
- Ali, Saira
- The Djinn, Mythic Delirium 1.1 (Jul/Sep 2014)
- Main Sequence, Mythic Delirium 1.1 (Jul/Sep 2014)
- Allen, Anita
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 4 (Win/Spr 2001)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 5 (Sum/Fal 2001)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 26 (Win/Spr 2012)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 27 (Sum/Fal 2012)
- cover art, Mythic Delirium 0.3 (Jan/Mar 2014)
- cover art, Mythic Delirium 1.3 (Jan/Mar 2015)
- cover art, Mythic Delirium 2.3 (Jan/Mar 2016) (with Anne Sampson)
- Allen, Mike
- cover art, Mythic Delirium One (Mar 1998)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium One (Mar 1998)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium Two (Oct 1998)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 4 (Win/Spr 2001)
- Amundsen, Erik
- Papa Silenus Went Courting, Mythic Delirium 16 (Win/Spr 2007)
- Murder and the Mouse God, Mythic Delirium 19 (Sum/Fal 2008)
- Under the Ashpodel, Mythic Delirium 26 (Win/Spr 2012)
- Ansari, Tiel Aisha
- Last Chance Dance, Mythic Delirium 17 (Sum/Fal 2007)
- Arnzen, Michael A.
- muscle boy, Mythic Delirium 14 (Win/Spr 2006)
- Ausema, Daniel
- Beings of Air, Mythic Delirium 2.4 (Apr/Jun 2016)
- The Desert Cure, Mythic Delirium 4.2 (Oct/Dec 2017)
- Ayne, Blythe
- Full Moon Coyotes, Mythic Delirium 6 (Win/Spr 2002)
- Azzouni, Jody
- Extinction Consummated, Mythic Delirium 10 (Win/Spr 2004)
- Bain, David
- After You Die #12: Dark City, Mythic Delirium 8 (Win/Spr 2003)
- Bannister, Michele
- The Ensouling of Spacecraft, Mythic Delirium 1.2 (Oct/Dec 2014)
- Barfield, Virgil
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium Two (Oct 1998)
- Barnhill, Kelly
- Said the Dragon to the Fallen Man, Mythic Delirium 19 (Sum/Fal 2008)
- Open the Door and the Light Pours Through, Clockwork Phoenix 2 (2009)
- Barrette, Elizabeth
- Lupercalia, Mythic Delirium 6 (Win/Spr 2002)
- Barringer, Stephen J.
- each thing i show you is a piece of my death, Clockwork Phoenix 2 (2009) (with Gemma Files)
- Barron, Laird
- The Occultation, Clockwork Phoenix (2008)
- Beamer, Amelia
- Worst Case Scenario, Mythic Delirium 19 (Sum/Fal 2008)
- Bergman, F.J.
- Eating Light, Mythic Delirium 17 (Sum/Fal 2007)
- Outer Plane, Mythic Delirium 18 (Win/Spr 2008)
- Secrets, Mythic Delirium 19 (Sum/Fal 2008)
- Hoyle’s Baking Instructions, Mythic Delirium 20 (Win/Spr 2009)
- Red Silk, Mythic Delirium 21 (Sum/Fal 2009)
- Occidental, Mythic Delirium 23 (Sum/Fal 2010)
- Tail, Mythic Delirium 24 (Win/Spr 2011)
- Día de los Muertos, Mythic Delirium 28 (Win/Spr 2013)
- Berman, Ruth
- Taking the Unicorn to the King, Mythic Delirium 6 (Win/Spr 2002)
- Biancotti, Deborah
- The Tailor of Time, Clockwork Phoenix (2008)
- Bishop, Edith Hope
- When the Gunman Comes, Mythic Delirium 2.3 (Jan/Mar 2016)
- Bissett, Carina
- Swimming with the Shark Boys, Mythic Delirium 2.4 (Apr/Jun 2016)
- Black, Rowan-Michelle
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 9 (Sum/Fal 2003)
- Froudian, Mythic Delirium 10 (Win/Spr 2004)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 10 (Win/Spr 2004)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 11 (Sum/Fal 2004)
- Bobet, Leah
- Fitcher’s Third Wife, Mythic Delirium 17 (Sum/Fal 2007)
- Bell, Book and Candle, Clockwork Phoenix (2008)
- Six, Clockwork Phoenix 2 (2009)
- Borski, Robert
- Tortoise vs. H.A.R.E., Mythic Delirium 18 (Win/Spr 2008)
- Bosley, Alix
- Backswamp Atlantis, Mythic Delirium 4.2 (Oct/Dec 2017)
- Boston, Bruce
- Curse of the Bandersnatch’s Wife, Mythic Delirium One (Mar 1998)
- The Humpback and the Changeling, Mythic Delirium One (Mar 1998)
- New Colors and Old, Mythic Delirium One (Mar 1998)
- A Woman Cast in Stone, Mythic Delirium Two (Oct 1998)
- Love Song of the Holo-Celebs, Mythic Delirium Two (Oct 1998)
- Song of the Eternal Sailors, Mythic Delirium Two (Oct 1998)
- Legacy of the Reapers, Mythic Delirium 3 (Sum/Fal 2000)
- In a Spacers’ Bar, Mythic Delirium 3 (Sum/Fal 2000)
- The Groundling Speaks, Mythic Delirium 3 (Sum/Fal 2000)
- Curse of the Harpy’s Husband, Mythic Delirium 9 (Sum/Fal 2003)
- Things Not to Say When You Meet the Master of the Universe, Mythic Delirium 10 (Win/Spr 2004)
- How to Confuse a RoboDetective, Mythic Delirium 11 (Sum/Fal 2004)
- Curse of Tinkerbell’s Husband, Mythic Delirium 12 (Win/Spr 2005)
- Bourke, Liz
- Katabasis, Mythic Delirium 0.2 (Oct/Dec 2013)
- Bradley, Lisa M.
- Healing Ritual, Mythic Delirium 13 (Sum/Fal 2005)
- Backbone of the Home, Mythic Delirium 0.3 (Jan/Mar 2014)
- Brennan, Marie
- The Wives of Paris, Mythic Delirium 0.1 (Jul/Sep 2013)
- A Mask of Flesh, Clockwork Phoenix (2008)
- Once a Goddess, Clockwork Phoenix 2 (2009)
- The Gospel of Nachash, Clockwork Phoenix 3 (2010)
- What Still Abides, Clockwork Phoenix 4 (2013)
- The Mirror-City, Clockwork Phoenix 5 (2016)
- Broadhurst, Lida
- Gargoyle Memory, Mythic Delirium 3 (Sum/Fal 2000)
- Ten or So Years Later, Mythic Delirium 5 (Sum/Fal 2001)
- To a Lover Dying Old, Mythic Delirium 15 (Sum/Fal 2006)
- My Grandson Never Dreams of Dragons, Mythic Delirium 27 (Sum/Fal 2012)
- Brocki, Anselm
- Major Players, Mythic Delirium 20 (Win/Spr 2009)
- Brown, Rachel Maija
- River of Silk, Mythic Delirium 23 (Sum/Fal 2010)
- An Unkindness of Ravens, Mythic Delirium 25 (Sum/Fal 2011)
- The Beast, Mythic Delirium 28 (Win/Spr 2013)
- Bruce, Georgina
- The Art of Flying, Mythic Delirium 0.2 (Oct/Dec 2013)
- Crow Voodoo, Clockwork Phoenix 3 (2010)
- Bryant, Gary
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 10 (Win/Spr 2004)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 11 (Sum/Fal 2004)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 12 (Win/Spr 2005)
- Buburuz, Cathy
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium One (Mar 1998)
- Buckner, M.M.
- Reborn, Mythic Delirium 19 (Sum/Fal 2008)
- Cameron, Rob
- Squeeze, Clockwork Phoenix 5 (2016)
- Campbell, Dan
- Triptych: an Offering of Fruit, Mythic Delirium 26 (Win/Spr 2012)
- Casey, Rosalind
- Espero, Mythic Delirium 22 (Win/Spr 2010)
- Casil, Amy Sterling
- Joshua Swims in the Ocean of Dreams, Mythic Delirium 5 (Sum/Fal 2001)
- Cato, Beth
- Mice, Mythic Delirium 28 (Win/Spr 2013)
- Seeds, Mythic Delirium 0.3 (Jan/Mar 2014)
- Nisei, Mythic Delirium 0.4 (Apr/Jun 2014)
- The City, Mythic Delirium 2.2 (Oct/Dec 2015)
- The Souls of Horses, Clockwork Phoenix 5 (2016)
- A Net to Snare a Unicorn, Mythic Delirium 3.3 (Jan/Mar 2017)
- Preventative Measures, Mythic Delirium 3.3 (Jan/Mar 2017)
- Chokshi, Roshani
- A Trade at the Fox Wedding, Mythic Delirium 2.4 (Apr/Jun 2016)
- Clark, G.O.
- Man Named the Stars, Mythic Delirium 10 (Win/Spr 2004)
- Millennial Mass, Mythic Delirium 20 (Win/Spr 2009)
- Lost In the Static, Mythic Delirium 26 (Win/Spr 2012)
- Cleto, Sara
- How to Grieve: A Primer for Witches, Mythic Delirium 3.4 (Apr/Jun 2017)
- Cole, Alicia
- Maud Gonne, After, Mythic Delirium 28 (Win/Spr 2013)
- Salamander, Mythic Delirium 1.2 (Oct/Dec 2014)
- The Perfumer, Mythic Delirium 2.1 (Jul/Sep 2015)
- Conoboy, Tom
- Window shopping in the new millennium, Mythic Delirium 17 (Sum/Fal 2007)
- Cook, Rob
- Weathermen, Mythic Delirium 16 (Win/Spr 2007)
- Cooley, Holly Dworken
- After Appomattox, Mythic Delirium 17 (Sum/Fal 2007)
- Genesis, Mythic Delirium 20 (Win/Spr 2009)
- Before the Knock, Mythic Delirium 21 (Sum/Fal 2009)
- Cooney, C.S.E.
- Ere One Can Say It Lightens, Mythic Delirium 22 (Win/Spr 2010)
- Voyage to a Distant Star, Mythic Delirium 0.1 (Jul/Sep 2013)
- Braiding the Ghosts, Clockwork Phoenix 3 (2010)
- She Who Rules the Bitter Reaches, Mythic Delirium 23 (Sum/Fal 2010)
- Sleeping Furies, Mythic Delirium 26 (Win/Spr 2012)
- The Headless Bride, song lyrics, special feature
- Life on the Sun, Bone Swans: Stories
- The Bone Swans of Amandale, Bone Swans: Stories
- Martyr’s Gem, Bone Swans: Stories
- How the Milkmaid Struck a Bargain with the Crooked One, Bone Swans: Stories
- The Big Bah-Ha, Bone Swans: Stories
- The Book of May, Clockwork Phoenix 5 (2016) (with Carlos Hernandez)
- Cooper, Constance
- Necropolis, Mythic Delirium 10 (Win/Spr 2004)
- The Wyvern’s Workday, Mythic Delirium 11 (Sum/Fal 2004)
- How the Sea People Mourn, Mythic Delirium 13 (Sum/Fal 2005)
- The Longest Nights, Mythic Delirium 14 (Win/Spr 2006)
- A Dragon’s Advice to Young Heroes, Mythic Delirium 15 (Sum/Fal 2006)
- Other Fires, Mythic Delirium 21 (Sum/Fal 2009)
- Great-Great-Grandmother’s Recipe Box, Mythic Delirium 29 (Sum/Fal 2013)
- Coppersmith, Fred
- Directions, Mythic Delirium 2.2 (Oct/Dec 2015)
- Crow, Jennifer
- Swan Wings, Mythic Delirium 3 (Sum/Fal 2000)
- Beyonding, Mythic Delirium 8 (Win/Spr 2003)
- The Last Cut, Mythic Delirium 12 (Win/Spr 2005)
- Variations on a Theme by William Butler Yeats, Mythic Delirium 10 (Win/Spr 2004)
- On the Paths of the Lost, Mythic Delirium 17 (Sum/Fal 2007)
- Seven Scenes from Harrai’s ‘Sacred Mountain’, Clockwork Phoenix (2008)
- We Took Our Gods, Mythic Delirium 21 (Sum/Fal 2009)
- Anna They Have Killed, Mythic Delirium 0.2 (Oct/Dec 2013)
- Love, and the Merciless Sea, Mythic Delirium 2.3 (Jan/Mar 2016)
- Other People’s Tragedies, Mythic Delirium 4.1 (Jul/Sep 2017)
- Masques and Mayhem, Mythic Delirium 4.1 (Jul/Sep 2017)
- cythera
- Alpha, Mythic Delirium 16 (Win/Spr 2007)
- Daphne’s Myth Revisited, Mythic Delirium 17 (Sum/Fal 2007)
- Daniels, Keith Allen
- The Houri and the Hoplites, Mythic Delirium Two (Oct 1998)
- Scats, Mythic Delirium 6 (Win/Spr 2002)
- Dara, Galen
- cover art, Mythic Delirium: an international anthology of poetry and verse
- cover art, Mythic Delirium: Volume Two
- Davies, Robert
- India Pale Angel, Mythic Delirium 0.3 (Jan/Mar 2014)
- Day, Holly
- Armageddon, Marilyn-Style, Mythic Delirium 19 (Sum/Fal 2008)
- Deeley, Malcolm
- Next Rapture,Mythic Delirium 16 (Win/Spr 2007)
- de’ Grimani, Elena
- cover art, Mythic Delirium 1.4 (Apr/Jun 2015)
- DeLuca, Michael J.
- The Coup in Elfland, Mythic Delirium 2.2 (Oct/Dec 2015)
- The Tarrying Messenger, Clockwork Phoenix (2008)
- Donnelly, J.W.
- Beyond Yonder Door, Mythic Delirium 3 (Sum/Fal 2000)
- Donnelly, Lara Elena
- Apocalypse Walking, Mythic Delirium 29 (Sum/Fal 2013)
- Dorr, James S.
- The Guillotine, a Reflection by Moonlight, Mythic Delirium One (Mar 1998)
- There Is a Comfort, Mythic Delirium One (Mar 1998)
- Dumars, Densie
- Folding Money, Mythic Delirium 24 (Win/Spr 2011)
- Dutcher, Roger
- All That Surrounds Us, Mythic Delirium 12 (Win/Spr 2005)
- Duyvis, Corinne
- Lilo Is, Clockwork Phoenix 4 (2013)
- Eaves, Don
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 7 (Sum/Fal 2002) (with Terrence Mollendor)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 8 (Win/Spr 2003) (With Terrence Mollendor)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 9 (Sum/Fal 2003) (With Terrance Mollendor)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 10 (Win/Spr 2004) (With Terrance Mollendor)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 11 (Sum/Fal 2004) (With Terrance Mollendor)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 12 (Win/Spr 2005) (With Terrance Mollendor)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 13 (Sum/Fal 2005) (With Terrance Mollendor)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 14 (Win/Spr 2006) (With Terrance Mollendor)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 15 (Sum/Fal 2006) (With Terrance Mollendor)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 16 (Win/Spr 2007) (With Terrance Mollendor)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 17 (Sum/Fal 2007) (With Terrance Mollendor)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 18 (Win/Spr 2008) (With Terrance Mollendor)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 19 (Sum/Fal 2008) (With Terrance Mollendor)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 20 (Win/Spr 2009) (With Terrance Mollendor)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 21 (Sum/Fal 2009) (With Terrance Mollendor)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 22 (Win/Spr 2010) (With Terrance Mollendor)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 23 (Sum/Fal 2010) (With Terrance Mollendor)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 24 (Win/Spr 2011)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 25 (Sum/Fal 2011)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 26 (Win/Spr 2012)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 27 (Sum/Fal 2012)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 28 (Win/Spr 2013)
- Eldritch, A.D.
- Death and the Miser, Mythic Delirium 14 (Win/Spr 2006)
- Elgin, Suzette Haden
- Dragons Complaining, Overhead, Mythic Delirium 14 (Win/Spr 2006)
- eli
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium Two (Oct 1998)
- El-Mohtar, Amal
- On the Division of Labour, Mythic Delirium 16 (Win/Spr 2007)
- Song for an Ancient City, featured poem from Mythic Delirium 19 (Sum/Fal 2008). Arabic translation by Oussama El-Mohtar
- Apple Jack Tangles the Maidy Lac with a Red, Red Ribbon, featured poem from Mythic Delirium 20 (Win/Spr 2009) (With Jessica Paige Wick)
- She Knocks, Mythic Delirium 26 (Win/Spr 2012)
- This Talk of Poems, Mythic Delirium 0.1 (Jul/Sep 2013)
- Emrys, Ruthanna
- The Serpent Explains the Nature of Tricksters to His Wife, Mythic Delirium 28 (Win/Spr 2013)
- Esaias, Timons
- The Missing, Mythic Delirium 8 (Win/Spr 2003)
- Evans, Kendall
- Of Distant Petroglyphs, Mythic Delirium 4 (Win/Spr 2001)
- On Proteus, There is a Moebius, Mythic Delirium 4 (Win/Spr 2001)
- Mission to a Quantum Asteroid, Mythic Delirium 7 (Sum/Fal 2002)
- Parchment Found in an Antique Book, Mythic Delirium 7 (Sum/Fal 2002)(With David C. Kopaska-Merkel)
- Reefs, Mythic Delirium 7 (Sum/Fal 2002)(With David C. Kopaska-Merkel)
- Mythic Delirium, Mythic Delirium 10 (Win/Spr 2004) (With David C. Kopaska-Merkel)
- If Only, Mythic Delirium 11 (Sum/Fal 2004)
- Rapunzel, Rapunzella, Mythic Delirium 12 (Win/Spr 2005)
- Invocation, Mythic Delirium 16 (Win/Spr 2007)
- Dance of the Marionettes, Mythic Delirium 19 (Sum/Fal 2008)
- In the Astronaut Asylum, featured poem from Mythic Delirium 20 (Win/Spr 2009) (with Samantha Henderson)
- Not Without a Struggle, Mythic Delirium 21 (Sum/Fal 2009) (With David C. Kopaska-Merkel)
- Of Asteroids & Moons & Practical Matters, Mythic Delirium 22 (Win/Spr 2010)
- The Dark Flow, Mythic Delirium 26 (Win/Spr 2012) (With David C. Kopaska-Merkel)
- Every, Gary
- Mamlambo, Mythic Delirium 4 (Win/Spr 2001)
- The Terror Bird Poem, Mythic Delirium 6 (Win/Spr 2002)
- Moon Horses, Mythic Delirium 7 (Sum/Fal 2002)
- Colorado River Delta Blues, Mythic Delirium 10 (Win/Spr 2004)
- Azurite Mine, Mythic Delirium 11 (Sum/Fal 2004)
- Inuit Sky, Mythic Delirium 13 (Sum/Fal 2005)
- Tarahumara Chiles, Mythic Delirium 15 (Sum/Fal 2006)
- Badger Springs, Mythic Delirium 17 (Sum/Fal 2007)
- Hohokam Time Travel, Mythic Delirium 18 (Win/Spr 2008)
- Initiation, Mythic Delirium 21 (Sum/Fal 2009)
- Moon Monkeys, Mythic Delirium 24 (Win/Spr 2011)
- Ezell, Kacey
- Chrysalis, Mythic Delirium 24 (Win/Spr 2011)
- Fallis, Charles S.
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium One (Mar 1998)
- Farley, Donna
- February 4th, Farmer’s Almanac Entry, Mythic Delirium 5 (Sum/Fal 2001)
- Files, Gemma
- Mrs. Margery Lovett, Her Book, Mythic Delirium 18 (Win/Spr 2008)
- each thing i show you is a piece of my death, Clockwork Phoenix 2 (2009) (with Stephen J. Barringer)
- Hell Friend, Clockwork Phoenix 3 (2010)
- Jar of Salts, Mythic Delirium 22 (Win/Spr 2010)
- Trap-Weed, Clockwork Phoenix 4 (2013)
- Finch, Sheila
- Burdens, Mythic Delirium 2.3 (Jan/Mar 2016)
- Finstrom, Jennifer
- Seeing Aphrodite, Mythic Delirium 9 (Sum/Fal 2003)
- Fisher, Jack
- Back to October, Mythic Delirium 4 (Win/Spr 2001) (with Wendy Rathbone)
- October Witches, Mythic Delirium 5 (Sum/Fal 2001) (with Wendy Rathbone)
- Fleming, Sam
- The Prime Importance of a Happy Number, Clockwork Phoenix 5 (2016)
- Floyd, John M.
- Status Report, Mythic Delirium One (Mar 1998)
- Fogg, Vanessa
- Moon Story, Mythic Delirium 2.2 (Oct/Dec 2015)
- Forrest, Francesca
- Mao on the Hill, Mythic Delirium 18 (Win/Spr 2008)
- Fosburg, Michael
- Claiming Tyche; Nemesis Rising, Mythic Delirium 25 (Sum/Fal 2011)
- Frazier, Robert
- Getting the Most Out of Your Retracive Tools, Mythic Delirium 12 (Win/Spr 2005)
- Frederick, Melissa
- Venus Crossing the Sun, Mythic Delirium 25 (Sum/Fal 2011)
- Moving the Earth, Mythic Delirium 2.3 (Jan/Mar 2016)
- Friedlander, Paula
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 11 (Sum/Fal 2004)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 12 (Win/Spr 2005)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 13 (Sum/Fal 2005)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 14 (Win/Spr 2006)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 15 (Sum/Fal 2006)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 16 (Win/Spr 2007)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 17 (Sum/Fal 2007)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 18 (Win/Spr 2008)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 19 (Sum/Fal 2008)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 20 (Win/Spr 2009)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 21 (Sum/Fal 2009)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 22 (Win/Spr 2010)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 23 (Sum/Fal 2010)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 24 (Win/Spr 2011)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 25 (Sum/Fal 2011)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 26 (Win/Spr 2012)
- cover, Mythic Delirium 27 (Sum/Fal 2012)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 27 (Sum/Fal 2012)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 28 (Win/Spr 2013)
- Friend, Sean Russell
- In the Glade of Solace, Mythic Delirium 4 (Win/Spr 2001)
- Frost, Gregory
- Lucyna’s Gaze, Clockwork Phoenix 3 (2010)
- Frost, M.
- The Witch’s Daughter, Mythic Delirium 17 (Sum/Fal 2007)
- Fusek Serena
- Shadow Tales, Mythic Delirium 9 (Sum/Fal 2003)
- Ceremony, Mythic Delirium 11 (Sum/Fal 2004)
- I write this, Mythic Delirium 17 (Sum/Fal 2007)
- The true poem, Mythic Delirium 24 (Win/Spr 2011)
- Gabriel, Zoë
- Particle Accelerator, Mythic Delirium 24 (Win/Spr 2011)
- Gage, Joshua
- Rats, Mythic Delirium 22 (Win/Spr 2010)
- The Wine of Mercury, Mythic Delirium 24 (Win/Spr 2011)
- Gailey, Jeannine Hall
- Awaré for the Woman who Disappears in Silence, Mythic Delirium 18 (Win/Spr 2008)
- Sure, Beauty Sleeps, Mythic Delirium 18 (Win/Spr 2008)
- The Animal Heart: She Warns Him, Mythic Delirium 21 (Sum/Fal 2009)
- Little Girls, Atom Bombs, Mythic Delirium 25 (Sum/Fal 2011)
- The Princess Becomes a Prophet, Mythic Delirium 28 (Win/Spr 2013)
- A Primer for Reading 23 Pairs of Chromosomes, or, Introduction to Your Own Personal Genome Project, Mythic Delirium 1.3 (Jan/Mar 2015)
- To the Ends of the Earth, Mythic Delirium 3.2 (Oct/Dec 2016)
- Introduction to Electromagnetics, Mythic Delirium 3.2 (Oct/Dec 2016)
- Gaiman, Neil
- Conjunctions, Mythic Delirium 20 (Win/Spr 2009)
- Galbraith, Joanna
- The Moon-Keeper’s Friend, Clockwork Phoenix (2008)
- The Fish of Al-Kawthar’s Fountain, Clockwork Phoenix 2 (2009)
- Galusha, Tom
- 11 Things Time Travelers Should Never Do, Mythic Delirium 16 (Win/Spr 2007)
- Ganley, W. Paul
- Rapunzel, Too Late, Mythic Delirium 10 (Win/Spr 2004)
- Gardner, Adele
- Wheels, Mythic Delirium 28 (Win/Spr 2013)
- Haunt Me, Mythic Delirium 3.4 (Apr/Jun 2017)
- Gardner, Lyn C.A.
- Riding to Faery, Mythic Delirium 6 (Win/Spr 2002)
- The Send-Off, Mythic Delirium 18 (Win/Spr 2008)
- Midnight Posture, Mythic Delirium 23 (Sum/Fal 2010)
- Eureka, Mythic Delirium 24 (Win/Spr 2011)
- Grant Proposal, Mythic Delirium 26 (Win/Spr 2012)
- Home, Mythic Delirium 26 (Win/Spr 2012)
- Gardner, Delbert R.
- Tammuz to Ishtar, Mythic Delirium 19 (Sum/Fal 2008)
- Garfinkle, Gwynne
- The Pied Piper vs. the Sirens, Mythic Delirium 27 (Sum/Fal 2012)
- It’s a Universal Picture, Mythic Delirium 1.1 (Jul/Sep 2014)
- Champagne Ivy, Mythic Delirium 3.2 (Oct/Dec 2016)
- Garrott, Lila
- How to Hide in a Japanese Print, Mythic Delirium 17 (Sum/Fal 2007)
- Gaskin, Emily
- Gospel of the White Dwarf, Mythic Delirium 22 (Win/Spr 2010)
- German, Wade
- The Poppet Wakes, Mythic Delirium 22 (Win/Spr 2010)
- Trans-Neptunian Shores, Mythic Delirium 25 (Sum/Fal 2011)
- Gilman, Greer
- The Moon-Hare, Mythic Delirium 19 (Sum/Fal 2008)
- Gilstrap, Andrew
- The Last Siren, Mythic Delirium 28 (Win/Spr 2013)
- John Wagner’s Last Blues, Mythic Delirium 3.2 (Oct/Dec 2016)
- Golden, Brady
- Behind Glass, Mythic Delirium 1.2 (Oct/Dec 2014)
- Goss, Theodora
- Octavia is Lost in the Hall of Masks, Mythic Delirium 8 (Win/Spr 2003)
- Bal Macabre, Mythic Delirium 15 (Sum/Fal 2006)
- The Gentleman, Mythic Delirium 21 (Sum/Fal 2009)
- As I Was Walking, Mythic Delirium 23 (Sum/Fal 2010)
- Death, Mythic Delirium 23 (Sum/Fal 2010)
- Binnorie, Mythic Delirium 24 (Win/Spr 2011)
- Vivian to Merlin, Mythic Delirium 27 (Sum/Fal 2012)
- What Would You Think, Mythic Delirium 27 (Sum/Fal 2012)
- The Bear’s Wife, Mythic Delirium 2.4 (Apr/Jun 2016)
- Gottwig, Jeremy
- Warm Thick Beer, Mythic Delirium 9 (Sum/Fal 2003)
- Graham, Lore
- Butterfly, Mythic Delirium 3.2 (Oct/Dec 2016)
- Graham, Neile
- The Green Green Rain, Mythic Delirium 28 (Win/Spr 2013)
- Grannis, Kacey
- Soldier’s Daughter, Mythic Delirium 20 (Win/Spr 2009)
- Gentle Hestia, Mythic Delirium 21 (Sum/Fal 2009)
- Light Enemy, Mythic Delirium 23 (Sum/Fal 2010)
- Grant, April
- The Sisters, Mythic Delirium 26 (Win/Spr 2012)
- Grant, John
- All the Little Gods We Are, Clockwork Phoenix (2008)
- Where Shadows Go at Low Midnight, Clockwork Phoenix 3 (2010)
- Grassmann, Preston
- The Edge of Visible Light, featured poem from Mythic Delirium 29 (Sum/Fal 2013)
- Green, Scott E.
- Soldiers Descending, Mythic Delirium Two (Oct 1998).
- Grey, John
- The Serial Killer and the Vampire, Mythic Delirium 3 (Sum/Fal 2000)
- Guerin, Ted
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium Two (Oct 1998)
- Haldeman, Joe
- Knock on Wood,Mythic Delirium 8 (Win/Spr 2003)
- bones in earth, Mythic Delirium 9 (Sum/Fal 2003)
- Hammer, Larry
- Desert Stories, Mythic Delirium 26 (Win/Spr 2012)
- Hardaker, Lynn
- skin, Mythic Delirium 28 (Win/Spr 2013)
- The Familiar, Mythic Delirium 3.3 (Jan/Mar 2017)
- Hardy, K.S.
- The Stars Ripen, Mythic Delirium 3 (Sum/Fal 2000)
- Do Not Disturb the Night, Mythic Delirium 7 (Sum/Fal 2002)
- Giant Bread, Mythic Delirium 11 (Sum/Fal 2004)
- Saint Neil, Mythic Delirium 11 (Sum/Fal 2004)
- Prosthetic Wings, Mythic Delirium 12 (Win/Spr 2005)
- Skeleton in the Closet, Mythic Delirium 18 (Win/Spr 2008)
- Gasmask, Mythic Delirium 19 (Sum/Fal 2008)
- Mystery of the Moon, Mythic Delirium 19 (Sum/Fal 2008)
- Hardy, Reina
- Nursery Rhymes for Stolen Children, Mythic Delirium 22 (Win/Spr 2010)
- Harrell, Brandt
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 5 (Sum/Fal 2001)
- Harvey, Sara M.
- The Sound of Blue, Mythic Delirium 2.1 (Jul/Sep 2015)
- Heisey, Holly
- The Tiger’s Silent Roar, Clockwork Phoenix 5 (2016)
- Henderson, Samantha
- King’s Man, Mythic Delirium 16 (Win/Spr 2007)
- In the Astronaut Asylum, featured poem from Mythic Delirium 20 (Win/Spr 2009) (with Kendall Evans)
- Egyptology, Mythic Delirium 21 (Sum/Fal 2009)
- Hendrix, Howard V.
- Babel Before Babel, Mythic Delirium 25 (Sum/Fal 2011)
- Hernandez, Carlos
- The Book of May, Clockwork Phoenix 5 (2016) (with C.S.E. Cooney)
- Hirons, S.J.
- Dragons of America, Clockwork Phoenix 3 (2010)
- Hodges, Sheila
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium Two (Oct 1998)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 4 (Win/Spr 2001)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 6 (Win/Spr 2002)
- Hoffman, Erin
- Root and Vein, Clockwork Phoenix (2008)
- Beauty Sleep, Mythic Delirium 20 (Win/Spr 2009)
- Hoffmann, Ada
- The Siren of Mayberry Crescent, Mythic Delirium 29 (Sum/Fal 2013)
- The Tooth Fairy Throws in the Towel, Mythic Delirium 29 (Sum/Fal 2013)
- The Witch’s Courting Song, Mythic Delirium 29 (Sum/Fal 2013)
- Million-Year Elegies: Edmontonia, Mythic Delirium 3.1 (July/Sep 2016)
- Howe, Adam
- Kid Cooper & the Blackwood Ape-Man, Mythic Delirium 1.4 (Apr/Jun 2015)
- Howe, Wendy
- Circe in Manhattan, Mythic Delirium 28 (Win/Spr 2013)
- Hunter, Oliver
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 21 (Sum/Fal 2009)
- Jacob, Charlee
- 0’s, Mythic Delirium One (Mar 1998)
- Co-Authoring the Delirium, Mythic Delirium One (Mar 1998)
- ramparts dim and struggles in nebula, Mythic Delirium Two (Oct 1998)
- delirium tremens, Mythic Delirium 3 (Sum/Fal 2000)
- Fisherman, Mythic Delirium 3 (Sum/Fal 2000)
- Discovery of an Idiosyncratic Dada Two Clicks from Entropy, Mythic Delirium 11 (Sum/Fal 2004)
- Jamison, Susan
- cover art, Mythic Delirium 3.4 (Apr/Jun 2017)
- Johnson, John Philip
- Plutoid, featured poem from Mythic Delirium 26 (Win/Spr 2012)
- Love Song, Mythic Delirium 1.3 (Jan/Mar 2015)
- Jones, Jaida
- Les Berceaux, Mythic Delirium 13 (Sum/Fal 2005)
- Jones, Michael M.
- Your Name Is Eve, Clockwork Phoenix 3 (2010)
- Jones, Rachael K.
- Kastin, Shawna Lenore
- Four and Twenty Blackbirds, Mythic Delirium 22 (Win/Spr 2010)
- The Anchorite’s Song, Mythic Delirium 22 (Win/Spr 2010)
- Kehrli, Keffy R.M.
- The Road, and the Valley, and the Beasts, Clockwork Phoenix 5 (2016)
- Khaw, Cassandra
- Her Pound of Flesh, Mythic Delirium 2.1 (Jul/Sep 2015)
- The Games We Play, Clockwork Phoenix 5 (2016)
- Kian, Nima
- A Semblance, Mythic Delirium 24 (Win/Spr 2011)
- Killen, Jamie
- Keeper of the Wave, Mythic Delirium 1.1 (Jul/Sep 2014)
- Kimble, Jason
- Kishore, Swapna
- The Absence of Words, Mythic Delirium 1.3 (Jan/Mar 2015)
- Knutsson, Catherine
- swansong, Mythic Delirium 20 (Win/Spr 2009)
- Kolodji, Deborah P.
- Lament of the Beta Tester, Mythic Delirium Two (Oct 1998)
- Ghosts of Lake Bonneville, Mythic Delirium 4 (Win/Spr 2001)
- From the Oort Cloud, Mythic Delirium 14 (Win/Spr 2006) (With oino sakai, Teri Santitoro, Mary Margaret Serpento and ushi)
- Near Highland, Mythic Delirium 17 (Sum/Fal 2007)
- Lake Vostok, Mythic Delirium 20 (Win/Spr 2009)
- Trickster Weather, Mythic Delirium 21 (Sum/Fal 2009)
- Echoes of Futures, Mythic Delirium 29 (Sum/Fal 2013)
- Seasons of a Time Traveler, Mythic Delirium 29 (Sum/Fal 2013)
- Kornher-Stace, Nicole
- Present, Mythic Delirium 0.3 (Jan/Mar 2014)
- To Seek Her Fortune, Clockwork Phoenix 3 (2010)
- On the Leitmotif of the Trickster Constellation, Northern Hemispheric Star Charts, Post-Apocalypse, Clockwork Phoenix 4 (2013)
- Kopaska-Merkel, David C.
- “On the underside of time . . . ”, Mythic Delirium 4 (Win/Spr 2001)
- The Arrow of Morning, Mythic Delirium 5 (Sum/Fal 2001)
- Lich Light, Mythic Delirium 5 (Sum/Fal 2001)
- Year Three of the Drought, Mythic Delirium 5 (Sum/Fal 2001)
- A Voyage to the Moon, Mythic Delirium 6 (Win/Spr 2002)
- The Werewolf Explanation, Mythic Delirium 6 (Win/Spr 2002)
- Medusa’s Tale, Mythic Delirium 7 (Sum/Fal 2002)
- Parchment Found in an Antique Book, Mythic Delirium 7 (Sum/Fal 2002)(With Kendall Evans)
- Reefs, Mythic Delirium 7 (Sum/Fal 2002)(With Kendall Evans)
- the length of a candle, Mythic Delirium 8 (Win/Spr 2003)
- Mythic Delirium, Mythic Delirium 10 (Win/Spr 2004) (With Kendall Evans)
- Signs, Mythic Delirium 4.2 (Oct/Dec 2017)
- The Mad Scientist Has All the Time in the World, Mythic Delirium 9 (Sum/Fal 2003)
- The Bitter Watches, Mythic Delirium 12 (Win/Spr 2005)
- Not Without a Struggle, Mythic Delirium 21 (Sum/Fal 2009) (With Kendall Evans)
- The Dark Flow, Mythic Delirium 26 (Win/Spr 2012) (With Kendall Evans)
- Kowal, Mary Robinette
- At the Edge of Dying, Clockwork Phoenix 2 (2009)
- Krasnoff, Barbara
- Sophia’s Legacy, Mythic Delirium 2.1 (Jul/Sep 2015)
- Rosemary, That’s For Remembrance, Clockwork Phoenix 2 (2009)
- The History of Soul 2065, Clockwork Phoenix 4 (2013)
- Sabbath Wine, Clockwork Phoenix 5 (2016)
- The Ladder-Back Chair, Mythic Delirium 3.4 (Apr/Jun 2017)
- Lake, Lissanne
- cover art, Mythic Delirium 3.1 (July/Sep 2016)
- Lalumière, Claude
- Three Friends, Clockwork Phoenix 2 (2009)
- Lanagan, Margo
- An Eyewitness Guide to the Sea Shore, Mythic Delirium 1.1 (Jul/Sep 2014)
- Landis, Geoffrey A.
- Orpheus, Mythic Delirium 1.1 (Jul/Sep 2014)
- Larson, Rich
- Innumerable Glimmering Lights, Clockwork Phoenix 5 (2016)
- Dispo and the Crow, Mythic Delirium 4.1 (Jul/Sep 2017)
- Laughlin, William
- Chaney & Son, Mythic Delirium 4 (Win/Spr 2001)
- Layton, Janna
- Luz and Bee at the Beach, Mythic Delirium 2.3 (Jan/Mar 2016)
- Leckie, Ann
- The Endangered Camp, Clockwork Phoenix 2 (2009)
- Lee, Mary Soon
- Flame War, Mythic Delirium 9 (Sum/Fal 2003)
- Lotus Moon, Mythic Delirium 4.2 (Oct/Dec 2017)
- Lee, Nathaniel
- All the Tribes of the Earth Shall Mourn, Mythic Delirium 1.2 (Oct/Dec 2014)
- Lee, Tanith
- The Woman, Clockwork Phoenix (2008)
- The Pain of Glass: A Tale of the Flat Earth, Clockwork Phoenix 2 (2009)
- Fold, Clockwork Phoenix 3 (2010)
- A Little of the Night, Clockwork Phoenix 4 (2013)
- Lee, Yoon Ha
- The Damsel’s Unicorn, Mythic Delirium 12 (Win/Spr 2005)
- Lacunae, Mythic Delirium 13 (Sum/Fal 2005)
- Banquet, Mythic Delirium 16 (Win/Spr 2007)
- Foxfeast, Mythic Delirium 0.2 (Oct/Dec 2013)
- Le Guin, Ursula K.
- Drums, Mythic Delirium 11 (Sum/Fal 2004)
- Pasupati, Mythic Delirium 11 (Sum/Fal 2004)
- Wordhoard, Mythic Delirium 12 (Win/Spr 2005)
- Leibowitz, Sandi
- The Daughter of Lir, Mythic Delirium 26 (Win/Spr 2012)
- The Bones of the Girl Musicians, Mythic Delirium 27 (Sum/Fal 2012)
- The Gardener, Mythic Delirium 27 (Sum/Fal 2012)
- The Raven’s Invitation, Mythic Delirium 29 (Sum/Fal 2013)
- Old Bone, Mythic Delirium 0.3 (Jan/Mar 2014)
- Unmasking, Mythic Delirium 0.4 (Apr/Jun 2014)
- Ariel’s Release, Mythic Delirium 2.1 (Jul/Sep 2015)
- Hedgerow Benediction, Mythic Delirium 2.2 (Oct/Dec 2015)
- Umbrellas of the Aftermath, Mythic Delirium 2.3 (Jan/Mar 2016)
- One-Winged, Mythic Delirium 2.4 (Apr/Jun 2016)
- Im Wald, Mythic Delirium 3.2 (Oct/Dec 2016)
- Le, Jenna
- Tainted Wedding: A Palindromic Fairy Tale in Four Parts, Mythic Delirium 29 (Sum/Fal 2013)
- Lemberg, Rose
- Two Births of a Bird Shaman, Mythic Delirium 19 (Sum/Fal 2008)
- Fireflies and Thunderstorms, Mythic Delirium 22 (Win/Spr 2010)
- The tenured faculty meets to discuss the Moon’s campus visit, Mythic Delirium 25 (Sum/Fal 2011)
- The Journeymaker in Kestai, Mythic Delirium 26 (Win/Spr 2012)
- Plucked from the Horo, Mythic Delirium 27 (Sum/Fal 2012)
- Dualities, Mythic Delirium 1.2 (Oct/Dec 2014)
- Earth Map, Mythic Delirium 1.2 (Oct/Dec 2014)
- Likhain
- cover art, Mythic Delirium 2.2 (Oct/Dec 2015)
- Lindsann, Olchar E.
- The Immortal Accursed, Mythic Delirium 2.3 (Jan/Mar 2016)
- Exile’s Lament, Mythic Delirium 3.3 (Jan/Mar 2017)
- Linik, Abraham
- Motion, Mythic Delirium 13 (Sum/Fal 2005)
- Lipkin, Shira
- The Library, After, Mythic Delirium 24 (Win/Spr 2011)
- Ereshkigal’s Proposal to Hades, Mythic Delirium 27 (Sum/Fal 2012)
- The Oracle Never Dances, Mythic Delirium 27 (Sum/Fal 2012)
- Four Chambers, Mythic Delirium 2.1 (Jul/Sep 2015)
- Happy Hour at the Tooth and Claw, Clockwork Phoenix 4 (2013)
- Little Badger, Darcie
- The Famine King, Mythic Delirium 3.3 (Jan/Mar 2017)
- Liu, Ken
- Sonnet 20: From Nikola Tesla’s Clockwork Assistant to Thomas Edison’s Automaton, featured poem from Mythic Delirium 27 (Sum/Fal 2012)
- Echoes in the Dark, Mythic Delirium 0.1 (Jul/Sep 2013)
- Llewellyn, Livia
- Pureland, Mythic Delirium 1.3 (Jan/Mar 2015)
- Lopez III, Rico Aurelio
- Arise, Mythic Delirium 13 (Sum/Fal 2005)
- Lupescu, Valya Dudycz
- Deepwater, Mythic Delirium 1.1 (Jul/Sep 2014)
- MacCath, C.S.
- Stephanos, Mythic Delirium 14 (Win/Spr 2006)
- Sol Prayer: By the Oracle Duality Chang Shen / Song of the Star Cradle, Mythic Delirium 15 (Sum/Fal 2006)
- Two Servants of the Morrighan, Mythic Delirium 16 (Win/Spr 2007)
- Among the Silent Steppes, Mythic Delirium 17 (Sum/Fal 2007)
- Akhila, Divided, Clockwork Phoenix (2008)
- Sing the Crumbling City, Mythic Delirium 1.4 (Apr/Jun 2015)
- MacFarlane, Alex Dally
- Carve Me, Mythic Delirium 27 (Sum/Fal 2012)
- Otter Script, Mythic Delirium 1.2 (Oct/Dec 2014)
- Two Bright Venuses, Clockwork Phoenix 5 (2016)
- Mackiewicz, Amy
- The Glass Girl, Mythic Delirium 20 (Win/Spr 2009)
- Major, Florence
- Elegy for Robert Sheckley, Mythic Delirium 25 (Sum/Fal 2011)
- Joseph Carey Merrick, Mythic Delirium 25 (Sum/Fal 2011)
- Malcohn, Elissa
- The Last Dragon Slayer, Mythic Delirium 24 (Win/Spr 2011)
- Malcolm-Clarke, Daria
- Charon of Birds, Mythic Delirium 15 (Sum/Fal 2006)
- Malin, Stephan
- February Etching, Mythic Delirium 18 (Win/Spr 2008)
- Lavoisier’s Final Proof, Mythic Delirium 20 (Win/Spr 2009)
- Malinowski, Kim
- Myth, Mythic Delirium 20 (Win/Spr 2009)
- Manning, David T.
- The Next Station, Mythic Delirium 20 (Win/Spr 2009)
- Marin, Eric
- Casualties of Need, Mythic Delirium 19 (Sum/Fal 2008)
- the sorcerer’s lament, Mythic Delirium 23 (Sum/Fal 2010)
- Martin, Eric
- The King of Thulé — A Ballad, Mythic Delirium 20 (Win/Spr 2009)
- Martin, M. Leigh
- Sing Me Songs (or The Spacer’s Blues), Mythic Delirium 10 (Win/Spr 2004)
- Mccall, Jason
- Athena Watches Polamalu Bail Out Pittsburgh Again, Mythic Delirium 24 (Win/Spr 2011)
- McCray, Brigitte N.
- The Girl Who Learned to Live with Bees in Her Hair, Mythic Delirium 0.2 (Oct/Dec 2013)
- McHugh, Ian
- Angel Dust, Clockwork Phoenix 2 (2009)
- The Canal Barge Magician’s Number Nine Daughter, Clockwork Phoenix 4 (2013)
- McHugh, Maura
- Submerged, Mythic Delirium 4.2 (Oct/Dec 2017)
- Mejía, Lynette
- a recipe, Mythic Delirium 0.4 (Apr/Jun 2014)
- Eden.Redux, Mythic Delirium 1.2 (Oct/Dec 2014)
- Half in Love with Easeful Death, Mythic Delirium 3.1 (Jul/Sep 2016)
- Meyerhofer, Michael
- “Scientists Discover Singing Iceberg in Antarctica”, Mythic Delirium 18 (Win/Spr 2008)
- Meynard, Yves
- Our Lady of the Thylacines, Clockwork Phoenix 4 (2013)
- Milosevic, Mario
- While Considering the Possibility of Using the Columbia River Gorge as the Setting for an Epic Fantasy, Mythic Delirium 9 (Sum/Fal 2003)
- Mingin, William
- “The dead dwell in another world . . . ”, Mythic Delirium 5 (Sum/Fal 2001
- Mock, Sharon
- Machine Dancer, Mythic Delirium 23 (Sum/Fal 2010)
- Moglia, Greg
- An Italian-American in Hell, Mythic Delirium 18 (Win/Spr 2008)
- Mohamed, Premee
- The Water and the World, Mythic Delirium 4.2 (Oct/Dec 2017)
- Mohlere, Virginia M.
- Beauty, Sleeping, Mythic Delirium 16 (Win/Spr 2007)
- The Worrywart’s Love, Mythic Delirium 19 (Sum/Fal 2008)
- This Illusion of Flesh, featured poem from Mythic Delirium 26 (Win/Spr 2012)
- Two Ways of Lifting, Mythic Delirium 0.1 (Jul/Sep 2013)
- Hold Back the Waters, Mythic Delirium 1.1 (Jul/Sep 2014)
- Daily Office, Mythic Delirium 2.4 (Apr/Jun 2016)
- The Heart Stopped (Mid-Race), Mythic Delirium 4.2 (Oct/Dec 2017)
- Mollendor, Terrence
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 7 (Sum/Fal 2002) (with Don Eaves)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 8 (Win/Spr 2003) (With Don Eaves)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 9 (Sum/Fal 2003) (With Don Eaves)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 10 (Win/Spr 2004) (With Don Eaves)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 11 (Sum/Fal 2004) (With Don Eaves)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 12 (Win/Spr 2005) (With Don Eaves)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 13 (Sum/Fal 2005) (With Don Eaves)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 14 (Win/Spr 2006) (With Don Eaves)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 15 (Sum/Fal 2006) (With Don Eaves)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 16 (Win/Spr 2007) (With Don Eaves)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 17 (Sum/Fal 2007) (With Don Eaves)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 18 (Win/Spr 2008) (With Don Eaves)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 19 (Sum/Fal 2008) (With Don Eaves)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 20 (Win/Spr 2009) (With Don Eaves)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 21 (Sum/Fal 2009) (With Don Eaves)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 22 (Win/Spr 2010) (With Don Eaves)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 23 (Sum/Fal 2010) (With Don Eaves)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 24 (Win/Spr 2011)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 25 (Sum/Fal 2011)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 26 (Win/Spr 2012)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 27 (Sum/Fal 2012)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 28 (Win/Spr 2013)
- Monahan, K.L.
- Always on a Sunday, Mythic Delirium 15 (Sum/Fal 2006)
- Moraine, Sunny
- A Shadow on the Sky, Mythic Delirium 1.3 (Jan/Mar 2015)
- Mor-Barak, Shunit
- Downtown Los Angeles, Mythic Delirium 7 (Sum/Fal 2002)
- Morlin, Eric
- Asgard Staggers, Like Drunken Baldur, Into One Very Bad Hangover Called Ragnorak, Mythic Delirium 3 (Sum/Fal 2000)
- Morse, Drew
- Grooves to Erakis, Mythic Delirium 13 (Sum/Fal 2005)
- Moyer, Jaime Lee
- Long Ago, Mythic Delirium 15 (Sum/Fal 2006)
- Nine days out —, Mythic Delirium 17 (Sum/Fal 2007)
- Rain Face, Mythic Delirium 21 (Sum/Fal 2009)
- Mullins, Tim
- cover art, Mythic Delirium 3 (Sum/Fal 2000)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 3 (Sum/Fal 2000)
- cover, Mythic Delirium 4 (Win/Spr 2001)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 4 (Win/Spr 2001)
- cover, Mythic Delirium 5 (Sum/Fal 2001)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 5 (Sum/Fal 2001)
- cover, Mythic Delirium 6 (Win/Spr 2002)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 6 (Win/Spr 2002)
- cover, Mythic Delirium 7 (Sum/Fal 2002)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 7 (Sum/Fal 2002)
- cover, Mythic Delirium 8 (Win/Spr 2003)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 8 (Win/Spr 2003)
- cover, Mythic Delirium 9 (Sum/Fal 2003)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 9 (Sum/Fal 2003)
- cover, Mythic Delirium 10 (Win/Spr 2004)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 10 (Win/Spr 2004)
- cover, Mythic Delirium 11 (Sum/Fal 2004)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 11 (Sum/Fal 2004)
- cover, Mythic Delirium 12 (Win/Spr 2005)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 12 (Win/Spr 2005)
- cover, Mythic Delirium 13 (Sum/Fal 2005)
- cover, Mythic Delirium 14 (Win/Spr 2006)
- cover, Mythic Delirium 15 (Sum/Fal 2006)
- cover, Mythic Delirium 16 (Win/Spr 2007)
- cover, Mythic Delirium 17 (Sum/Fal 2007)
- cover, Mythic Delirium 18 (Win/Spr 2008)
- cover, Mythic Delirium 19 (Sum/Fal 2008)
- cover, Mythic Delirium 20 (Win/Spr 2009)
- cover, Mythic Delirium 21 (Sum/Fal 2009)
- cover, Mythic Delirium 22 (Win/Spr 2010)
- cover, Mythic Delirium 23 (Sum/Fal 2010)
- cover, Mythic Delirium 24 (Win/Spr 2011)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 24 (Win/Spr 2011)
- cover, Mythic Delirium 25 (Sum/Fal 2011)
- cover, Mythic Delirium 26 (Win/Spr 2012)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 27 (Sum/Fal 2012)
- cover, Mythic Delirium 28 (Win/Spr 2013)
- cover, Mythic Delirium 29 (Sum/Fal 2013)
- Muslim, Kristine Ong
- Hunger, Mythic Delirium 13 (Sum/Fal 2005)
- Even in Arcadia, Mythic Delirium 1.3 (Jan/Mar 2015)
- Naïr, Karthika
- Ahalya: Deliverance, Mythic Delirium 0.1 (Jul/Sep 2013)
- Nair, Lindsey
- Last One Laments, Mythic Delirium 4 (Win/Spr 2001)
- Vardogr, Mythic Delirium 5 (Sum/Fal 2001)
- Narayan, Shweta
- Eyes of Carven Emerald, Clockwork Phoenix 3 (2010)
- Cave-smell, Mythic Delirium 22 (Win/Spr 2010)
- Soma, Ganga, Agnideva, Mythic Delirium 23 (Sum/Fal 2010)
- Ness, Mari
- Raven Singing, Mythic Delirium 25 (Sum/Fal 2011)
- Silence, Mythic Delirium 25 (Sum/Fal 2011)
- Gleaming, Mythic Delirium 28 (Win/Spr 2013)
- The Silver Comb, Mythic Delirium 0.4 (Apr/Jun 2014)
- After Midnight, Mythic Delirium 3.2 (Oct/Dec 2016)
- Hunter, Mythic Delirium 4.1 (Jul/Sep 2017)
- Newton, Kurt
- How the Dead Teach the Living, Mythic Delirium 23 (Sum/Fal 2010)
- The Strange, Mythic Delirium 29 (Sum/Fal 2013)
- Ng, Jeannette
- Three Hundred Years, Mythic Delirium 2.3 (Jan/Mar 2016)
- Nir, Phoebe
- A Charming Acquisition: A Sestina, Mythic Delirium 23 (Sum/Fal 2010)
- Odasso, A.J.
- Journeying, Mythic Delirium 20 (Win/Spr 2009)
- The Second Wife, Mythic Delirium 22 (Win/Spr 2010)
- XX/XY, Mythic Delirium 2.4 (Apr/Jun 2016)
- Odell, Sandra M.
- Resistance on a Park Bench, with Stale Bread and Ducks, Mythic Delirium 4.1 (Jul/Sep 2017)
- Ogawa, Yukimi
- The Giant’s Tree, Mythic Delirium 0.4 (Apr/Jun 2014)
- Icicle, Clockwork Phoenix 4 (2013)
- Left Behind, Mythic Delirium 3.1 (Jul/Sep 2016)
- Owen, Paula Arwen (née Friedlander)
- cover art, Mythic Delirium 0.2 (Oct/Dec 2013)
- illustration, Present by Nicole Kornher-Stace, Mythic Delirium 0.3 (Jan/Mar 2014)
- cover art, Hungry Constellations by Mike Allen
- cover art, Mythic Delirium 1.1 (Jul/Sep 2013)
- cover art, Mythic Delirium 2.1 (Jul/Sep 2015)
- cover art, Clockwork Phoenix V
- cover art, Mythic Delirium 3.3 (Jan/Mar 2017)
- cover art, Mythic Delirium 4.1 (Jul/Sep 2017)
- Ozment, Nicholas
- The Prairie Whales Are All Extinct, Mythic Delirium 11 (Sum/Fal 2004)
- Paige, Jessica
- Apple Jack Tangles the Maidy Lac with a Red, Red Ribbon, Mythic Delirium 20 (Win/Spr 2009) (With Amal El-Mohtar)
- Paldanius, Lasse
- cover art, Mythic Delirium 4.2 (Oct/Dec 2017)
- Parisien, Dominik
- The Theatre Golems, featured poem from Mythic Delirium 28 (Win/Spr 2013)
- A Portrait of the Monster as an Artist, Mythic Delirium 1.4 (Apr/Jun 2015)
- Park, Carma
- The Dreaming, Mythic Delirium 4 (Win/Spr 2001)
- The Jellies, Mythic Delirium 5 (Sum/Fal 2001)
- Crow Eats Carrion, Mythic Delirium 13 (Sum/Fal 2005)
- The Woman Who Lived by the Ocean Was Lonely and Tried to Make Herself a Husband, Mythic Delirium 26 (Win/Spr 2012)
- Parks, Richard
- Beach Bum and the Drowned Girl, Clockwork Phoenix 4 (2013)
- Parrish, Rhonda
- Seedpaper, Mythic Delirium 0.4 (Apr/Jun 2014)
- Patel, Sunil
- Social Visiting, Clockwork Phoenix 5 (2016)
- Paxson, Caitlyn
- Cemetery Monologues, Mythic Delirium 23 (Sum/Fal 2010)
- Rare Annie, Mythic Delirium 28 (Win/Spr 2013)
- Pearce, Richard William
- Pegasus Rose, Mythic Delirium 3 (Sum/Fal 2000)
- Peery, John
- Survive, Mythic Delirium 12 (Win/Spr 2005)
- letter from newton to his mother, Mythic Delirium 14 (Win/Spr 2006)
- Pereira, KL
- How to Bring Your Dead Lover Back, Mythic Delirium 28 (Win/Spr 2013)
- Perry, Georgette
- Hellawes, Mythic Delirium 20 (Win/Spr 2009)
- Pflug-Back, Kelly Rose
- Tarantelle, Mythic Delirium 22 (Win/Spr 2010)
- Porter, Karen R.
- Ophion, Mythic Delirium 7 (Sum/Fal 2002)
- Even Old Ogres Must Pass, Mythic Delirium 13 (Sum/Fal 2005)
- Praytor, Laura
- Alternatives, Mythic Delirium 29 (Sum/Fal 2013)
- Radcliffe, TJ
- The Revenge of Hillier’s Belle, Mythic Delirium 3.2 (Oct/Dec 2016)
- Rambo, Cat
- The Dew Drop Coffee Lounge, Clockwork Phoenix (2008)
- Surrogates, Clockwork Phoenix 3 (2010)
- I Come from the Dark Universe, Clockwork Phoenix 4 (2013)
- Randall, Jessy
- Maybe a Witch Lives There, Mythic Delirium 1.4 (Apr/Jun 2015)
- Rath, Kavitha
- Morgan Le Fay at the Downtown Mall, Mythic Delirium 3.1 (Jul/Sep 2016)
- Rathbone, Wendy
- Back to October, Mythic Delirium 4 (Win/Spr 2001) (with Jack Fisher)
- October Witches, Mythic Delirium 5 (Sum/Fal 2001) (with Jack Fisher)
- Time Travel Autumn, Mythic Delirium 1.4 (Apr/Jun 2015)
- The Fallen Months, Mythic Delirium 2.2 (Oct/Dec 2015)
- Raymond, Donald
- The Motor Prayer, Mythic Delirium 28 (Win/Spr 2013)
- Reinhardt, Chris
- Fade to Glass, Mythic Delirium 3.2 (Oct/Dec 2016)
- Relf, Terrie Leigh
- a selkie dreaming, Mythic Delirium 19 (Sum/Fal 2008)
- Reniere, Cathy
- Final Approach, Mythic Delirium Two (Oct 1998)
- Rennie, Alistair
- Doomcall, Mythic Delirium 28 (Win/Spr 2013)
- Rhei, SofÍa
- The Magic Walnut, Mythic Delirium 25 (Sum/Fal 2011)
- More, Mythic Delirium 27 (Sum/Fal 2012)
- The Magic Window, Mythic Delirium 27 (Sum/Fal 2012)
- Rinehart, Gray
- The Sorcerer of Etah, Clockwork Phoenix 5 (2016)
- River, Uncle
- Retroactive Reality, Mythic Delirium 3 (Sum/Fal 2000)
- Family Range, Mythic Delirium 8 (Win/Spr 2003)
- Shiva’s Dentist, Mythic Delirium 8 (Win/Spr 2003)
- Rockwell, Marsheila
- Brothers in Arms, Mythic Delirium 17 (Sum/Fal 2007)
- Robertson, S. Brackett
- Song of the Bogs, Mythic Delirium 23 (Sum/Fal 2010)
- Kin, Mythic Delirium 26 (Win/Spr 2012)
- She Fell in Love with Winter, Mythic Delirium 27 (Sum/Fal 2012)
- Rhythm of Hoof and Cry, Mythic Delirium 0.1 (Jul/Sep 2013)
- Rodriguez, Stephanie
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 14 (Win/Spr 2006)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 19 (Sum/Fal 2008)
- Rolli
- From Dr. Owen’s Journal (Unpublished), Mythic Delirium 20 (Win/Spr 2009)
- From Dr. Owen’s Obit, Mythic Delirium 20 (Win/Spr 2009)
- Roney, Judith
- Artifacts, Mythic Delirium 2.2 (Oct/Dec 2015)
- Runolfson, J.C.
- Klabautermann, Mythic Delirium 20 (Win/Spr 2009)
- The Birth of Science Fiction, Mythic Delirium 22 (Win/Spr 2010)
- Tigerskin, Mythic Delirium 23 (Sum/Fal 2010)
- Summoning a Southern Devil, Mythic Delirium 24 (Win/Spr 2011)
- Barbara Newhall Follett welcomes home, Mythic Delirium 26 (Win/Spr 2012)
- Zora Neale Hurston Meets Felicia Felix-Mentor on the Road, Mythic Delirium 0.3 (Jan/Mar 2014)
- Jupiter Dis(mis)ed, Mythic Delirium 2.2 (Oct/Dec 2015)
- Russo, Patricia
- The Old Woman With No Teeth, Clockwork Phoenix 4 (2013)
- The Perfect Happy Family, Clockwork Phoenix 5 (2016)
- Observations on the Trees of Peace, the Chirping Lizards, and the Sea at the End of the World, Mythic Delirium 3.3 (Jan/Mar 2017)
- Rutherfoord, Bill
- cover art, Mythic Delirium 3.2 (Oct/Dec 2016)
- sakai, oino
- From the Oort Cloud, Mythic Delirium 14 (Win/Spr 2006) (With Deborah P. Kolodji, Teri Santitoro, Mary Margaret Serpento and ushi)
- Samatar, Sofia
- Persephone Set Free, Mythic Delirium 28 (Win/Spr 2013)
- Sampson, Anne
- cover art, Mythic Delirium 2.3 (Jan/Mar 2016) (with Anita Allen)
- Sanderson, Cedar
- Milkweed, Mythic Delirium 0.4 (Apr/Jun 2014)
- Sandner, David
- Old Foss Is the Name of His Cat, Clockwork Phoenix (2008)
- Revising Horror (The Wrong Mouth), Mythic Delirium 28 (Win/Spr 2013)
- Sunrise with Sea Monsters, Mythic Delirium 4.1 (Jul/Sep 2017)
- Santitoro, Teri
- From the Oort Cloud, Mythic Delirium 14 (Win/Spr 2006) (With Deborah P. Kolodji, oino sakai, Mary Margaret Serpento and ushi)
- Saplak, Charles M.
- Aurum, Mythic Delirium 5 (Sum/Fal 2001)
- Chaos and Cakefall, Mythic Delirium 6 (Win/Spr 2002)
- The Tomb of Forever, Mythic Delirium 8 (Win/Spr 2003)
- High Concept, Mythic Delirium 11 (Sum/Fal 2004)
- Genetics, Mythic Delirium 12 (Win/Spr 2005)
- Next Time Write It Down, Mythic Delirium 16 (Win/Spr 2007)
- Schimel, Lawrence
- The Magic Walnut, Mythic Delirium 25 (Sum/Fal 2011) (Translation from SofÍa Rhei)
- More, Mythic Delirium 27 (Sum/Fal 2012) (Translation from SofÍa Rhei)
- The Magic Window, Mythic Delirium 27 (Sum/Fal 2012) (Translation from SofÍa Rhei)
- Schneyer, Kenneth
- Levels of Observation, Mythic Delirium 0.3 (Jan/Mar 2014)
- Lineage, Clockwork Phoenix 3 (2010)
- Selected Program Notes from the Retrospective Exhibition of Theresa Rosenberg Latimer, Clockwork Phoenix 4 (2013)
- Schwader, Ann K.
- Astronomers Peer at Edge of Black Hole, Mythic Delirium One (Mar 1998)
- Poraymous/The Devouring, Mythic Delirium One (Mar 1998)
- Vinland’s Lost Shores, Mythic Delirium One (Mar 1998)
- On the Ten-Year Anniversary of Chernobyl Voles, Mythic Delirium Two (Oct 1998)
- Pompeii’s Poor Cousins, Mythic Delirium Two (Oct 1998))
- Reflections in a Fading Mir, Mythic Delirium 3 (Sum/Fal 2000)
- Coughing Up, Mythic Delirium 4 (Win/Spr 2001)
- In the Canyon Lands, Mythic Delirium 4 (Win/Spr 2001)
- Between Two Worlds, Mythic Delirium 7 (Sum/Fal 2002)
- Letting Go, Mythic Delirium 9 (Sum/Fal 2003)
- Dreaming in Slow Time, Mythic Delirium 10 (Win/Spr 2004)
- The Night Priests, Mythic Delirium 11 (Sum/Fal 2004)
- Lost Over East Texas, Mythic Delirium 12 (Win/Spr 2005)
- Termination Shock, Voyager, Mythic Delirium 14 (Win/Spr 2006)
- Dancing to Van Gogh, Mythic Delirium 17 (Sum/Fal 2007)
- Maiden & Raven, Mythic Delirium 21 (Sum/Fal 2009)
- The Ones Who Met Them, Mythic Delirium 21 (Sum/Fal 2009)
- Citadel Ascendant, Mythic Delirium 22 (Win/Spr 2010)
- Torn Out, Mythic Delirium 24 (Win/Spr 2011)
- Space Dog, Mythic Delirium 25 (Sum/Fal 2011)
- Schweitzer, Darrell
- The Lost Dauphin Revisited, Mythic Delirium 5 (Sum/Fal 2001)
- Lucid Dreaming, Mythic Delirium 5 (Sum/Fal 2001)
- The Old Retainer’s Tale, Mythic Delirium 7 (Sum/Fal 2002)
- Numerian Augustus, Mythic Delirium 8 (Win/Spr 2003)
- Hadrian, Mythic Delirium 9 (Sum/Fal 2003)
- Helen Returns to Troy, Mythic Delirium 13 (Sum/Fal 2005)
- At the Earth’s Core, Mythic Delirium 15 (Sum/Fal 2006)
- As We Journeyed Toward the Center of the Galactic Empire, Mythic Delirium 16 (Win/Spr 2007)
- Ten Reasons Not to Write a List Poem About the Meaning of Everything, Mythic Delirium 17 (Sum/Fal 2007)
- The Birthplace of Homer, Mythic Delirium 20 (Win/Spr 2009)
- What If I Were Secretly the Phoenix?, Mythic Delirium 20 (Win/Spr 2009)
- The Gods We Left Behind, Mythic Delirium 21 (Sum/Fal 2009)
- In the Absence of Ghosts, Mythic Delirium 23 (Sum/Fal 2010)
- Alien Graffiti, Mythic Delirium 25 (Sum/Fal 2011)
- Sedia, Ekaterina
- There Is a Monster Under Helen’s Bed, Clockwork Phoenix (2008)
- Seidel, Alexandra
- Cloth Demon, Mythic Delirium 25 (Sum/Fal 2011)
- A Different Scheherazade, Mythic Delirium 26 (Win/Spr 2012)
- The Forest King, Mythic Delirium 26 (Win/Spr 2012)
- The Light of Dreams, Mythic Delirium 27 (Sum/Fal 2012)
- The Nostalgia of Roads, Mythic Delirium 28 (Win/Spr 2013)
- Hexagon, Mythic Delirium 0.1 (Jul/Sep 2013)
- The Ice Thief, Mythic Delirium 29 (Sum/Fal 2013)
- Deep Sea Mermaid Fishing, Mythic Delirium 2.3 (Jan/Mar 2016)
- Serpento, Mary Margaret
- From the Oort Cloud, Mythic Delirium 14 (Win/Spr 2006) (With Deborah P. Kolodji, oino sakai, Teri Santitoro and ushi)
- Shiel, Julie
- Transformation, Mythic Delirium 15 (Sum/Fal 2006)
- Silveira, Lyndsey
- I learned, Mythic Delirium 3.1 (Jul/Sep 2016)
- Simner, Janni Lee
- Advice, Mythic Delirium 8 (Win/Spr 2003)
- Simon, Margaret B. (Marge)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium One (Mar 1998)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium Two (Oct 1998)
- PostMortal Sex Fantasies, Mythic Delirium Two (Oct 1998)
- I’ve Been Told of Fourth Street, Mythic Delirium 6 (Win/Spr 2002)
- Highbinder, Mythic Delirium 13 (Sum/Fal 2005)
- From the Dark Ballet, Mythic Delirium 19 (Sum/Fal 2008)
- Singh, Vandana
- Oblivion: A Journey, Clockwork Phoenix (2008)
- Sklar, David
- Flap, Mythic Delirium 0.2 (Oct/Dec 2013)
- The Onion Prince, Mythic Delirium 0.2 (Oct/Dec 2013)
- Cat’s Canticle, Mythic Delirium 0.3 (Jan/Mar 2014)
- Slaviero, Susan
- Inanna Plays Blackjack at the Stardust Casino, Mythic Delirium 19 (Sum/Fal 2008)
- Madame Blavatsky’s Ghost Visits the White Dog Café, Mythic Delirium 22 (Win/Spr 2010)
- The Reaper’s Wife, Mythic Delirium 22 (Win/Spr 2010)
- Yurei, Mythic Delirium 25 (Sum/Fal 2011)
- Sloboda, Noel
- Unbegotten, Mythic Delirium 18 (Win/Spr 2008)
- Mrs. Grendel, Mythic Delirium 26 (Win/Spr 2012)
- Snare, Bob
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 3 (Sum/Fal 2000)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 4 (Win/Spr 2001)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 5 (Sum/Fal 2001)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 6 (Win/Spr 2002)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 7 (Sum/Fal 2002)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 8 (Win/Spr 2003)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 9 (Sum/Fal 2003)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 10 (Win/Spr 2004)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 11 (Sum/Fal 2004)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 12 (Win/Spr 2005)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 13 (Sum/Fal 2005)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 14 (Win/Spr 2006)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 15 (Sum/Fal 2006)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 16 (Win/Spr 2007)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 17 (Sum/Fal 2007)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 18 (Win/Spr 2008)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 19 (Sum/Fal 2008)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 21 (Sum/Fal 2009)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 22 (Win/Spr 2010)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 23 (Sum/Fal 2010)
- Sng, Christina
- Dreams of Bone, Mythic Delirium 0.3 (Jan/Mar 2014)
- Mirror to the Other Side, Mythic Delirium 3.1 (Jul/Sep 2016)
- Crawlspace, Mythic Delirium 8 (Win/Spr 2003)
- Beyond a Hundred Years, Mythic Delirium 9 (Sum/Fal 2003)
- The Magic of Crystals, Mythic Delirium 12 (Win/Spr 2005)
- Snow, Angela
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium Two (Oct 1998)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 3 (Sum/Fal 2000)
- Sparks, Cat
- Palisade, Clockwork Phoenix (2008)
- Spelman, Lucien E.G.
- The Wedding Party, Mythic Delirium 24 (Win/Spr 2011)
- Sriduangkaew, Benjanun
- The Bees Her Heart, the Hive Her Belly, Clockwork Phoenix 4 (2013)
- Comet’s Call, Mythic Delirium 3.1 (Jul/Sep 2016)
- The Finch’s Wedding and the Hive That Sings, Clockwork Phoenix 5 (2016)
- Stewart, W. Gregory
- From Bastille to Bedlam, Mythic Delirium One (Mar 1998)
- Yportne, in the Dead of Night, Mythic Delirium One (Mar 1998)
- Sing not, Mythic Delirium 24 (Win/Spr 2011)
- St. Louis, Wanda Waterman
- The Garden Party, Mythic Delirium 15 (Sum/Fal 2006)
- Strang, Linda Ann
- Mertopia, Mythic Delirium 19 (Sum/Fal 2008)
- Strom-Martin, Hannah
- The Villain’s Coat, Mythic Delirium 2.1 (Jul/Sep 2015)
- Stuart, Kiel
- Death in Faery Land: Film at Eleven, Mythic Delirium 4 (Win/Spr 2001)
- Swimming in the Gene Pool, Mythic Delirium 7 (Sum/Fal 2002)
- Stufflebeam, Bonnie Jo
- Strange Monster, Mythic Delirium 29 (Sum/Fal 2013)
- Sturner, Jason
- Time to Grow Up Where There’s No Time At All, Mythic Delirium 26 (Win/Spr 2012)
- Swirsky, Rachel
- The Architecture of Grief, Mythic Delirium 27 (Sum/Fal 2012)
- Sykora, Anna
- The Tears of Sigrune, Mythic Delirium 27 (Sum/Fal 2012)
- Taaffe, Sonya
- Turn of the Century, Jack-in-the-Green, Mythic Delirium 5 (Sum/Fal 2001)
- Sedna, Mythic Delirium 6 (Win/Spr 2002)
- Thunderbird, Mythic Delirium 7 (Sum/Fal 2002)
- Proteus Tells, Mythic Delirium 8 (Win/Spr 2003)
- Kaddish for a Dybbuk, Mythic Delirium 9 (Sum/Fal 2003)
- Tenebrosus, Mythic Delirium 8 (Win/Spr 2003)
- Apocalypso, Mythic Delirium 10 (Win/Spr 2004)
- The Knots of Summer, Mythic Delirium 10 (Win/Spr 2004)
- Lilim, After Dark, Mythic Delirium 10 (Win/Spr 2004)
- The Laying-Out, Mythic Delirium 11 (Sum/Fal 2004)
- Tzaddik, Mythic Delirium 11 (Sum/Fal 2004)
- Eelgrass and Blue, Mythic Delirium 12 (Win/Spr 2005)
- Tarot in the Dungeon, Mythic Delirium 12 (Win/Spr 2005)
- Ibis, Scribe, Mythic Delirium 13 (Sum/Fal 2005)
- Not the Song of Briseis, Mythic Delirium 13 (Sum/Fal 2005)
- Wintertime Loves, Mythic Delirium 14 (Win/Spr 2006)
- Atthis in Boston, Mythic Delirium 15 (Sum/Fal 2006)
- Carne Vale, Mythic Delirium 15 (Sum/Fal 2006)
- Flint and Roses, Mythic Delirium 16 (Win/Spr 2007)
- Libra in the House of Teiresias, Mythic Delirium 16 (Win/Spr 2007)
- In Ellipsis, Mythic Delirium 17 (Sum/Fal 2007)
- All That Jazz Going On Upstairs, Mythic Delirium 18 (Win/Spr 2008)
- Eurydike in New England, Mythic Delirium 18 (Win/Spr 2008)
- Cartomachy, Mythic Delirium 19 (Sum/Fal 2008)
- The Devourer, Mythic Delirium 19 (Sum/Fal 2008)
- The Plague Hill, Mythic Delirium 19 (Sum/Fal 2008)
- Zeitgeber, Mythic Delirium 20 (Win/Spr 2009)
- Silk Sleeve Song, Mythic Delirium 21 (Sum/Fal 2009)
- Heaven and Sea, Horatio, Mythic Delirium 22 (Win/Spr 2010)
- Ovid’s Two Nightmares, Mythic Delirium 23 (Sum/Fal 2010)
- Wisdom, Mythic Delirium 24 (Win/Spr 2011)
- The Description of a Wish, Mythic Delirium 25 (Sum/Fal 2011)
- Scythe-Walk, Mythic Delirium 26 (Win/Spr 2012)
- Kalligeneia 2012, Mythic Delirium 27 (Sum/Fal 2012)
- The Ceremony of Innocence, Mythic Delirium 28 (Win/Spr 2013)
- Cuneiform Toast, Mythic Delirium 0.1 (Jul/Sep 2013)
- Hypnos and Thanatos, Mythic Delirium 29 (Sum/Fal 2013)
- Poor Old Horse, Mythic Delirium 1.1 (Jul/Sep 2014)
- Anonymity, Mythic Delirium 1.2 (Oct/Dec 2014)
- Aetiologies, Mythic Delirium 2.2 (Oct/Dec 2015)
- The Trinitite Golem, Clockwork Phoenix 5 (2016)
- The Warm Past, Mythic Delirium 3.3 (Jan/Mar 2017)
- bn ʾdnbʿl bn ʾdrbʿl, Mythic Delirium 3.4 (Apr/Jun 2017)
- On the Day When Dumuzi Comes Up, Mythic Delirium 4.1 (Jul/Sep 2017)
- Tacinelli, Cathy
- The Initiate, Mythic Delirium 6 (Win/Spr 2002)
- Tambour, Anna
- Trapped Words, Mythic Delirium 14 (Win/Spr 2006)
- Cooks’ Tricks Nix Sticks, Mythic Delirium 21 (Sum/Fal 2009)
- Tanafon, Morris
- Interred with Their Bones, Mythic Delirium 3.3 (Jan/Mar 2017)
- Tem, Steve Rasnic
- When We Moved On, Clockwork Phoenix 2 (2009)
- Templeton, Patty
- The Two Annies of Windale Road, Mythic Delirium 0.2 (Oct/Dec 2013)
- Tentchoff, Marcie Lynn
- Stardust, Mythic Delirium 12 (Win/Spr 2005)
- Lamia, Mythic Delirium 17 (Sum/Fal 2007)
- Furious, Mythic Delirium 18 (Win/Spr 2008)
- Near Bailey’s Pond, Mythic Delirium 19 (Sum/Fal 2008)
- Behind the Greasepaint Door, Mythic Delirium 24 (Win/Spr 2011)
- Thakrar, Shveta
- The Nagini’s Night Song, Mythic Delirium 1.3 (Jan/Mar 2015)
- Star Fishing, Mythic Delirium 2.2 (Oct/Dec 2015)
- By Thread of Night and Starlight Needle, Clockwork Phoenix 5 (2016)
- Ghost Notes, Mythic Delirium 3.4 (Apr/Jun 2017)
- Thalmann, Simon
- Aftermath, Mythic Delirium 22 (Win/Spr 2010)
- Theodoridou, Natalia
- Philomela in Seven Movements, Mythic Delirium 1.4 (Apr/Jun 2015)
- Thomas, Sheree Renée
- Ezilie in Cavaillon, Mythic Delirium 15 (Sum/Fal 2006)
- The Nightflies, Mythic Delirium 1.3 (Jan/Mar 2015)
- Visitation of the Oracle at McKain Street, Mythic Delirium 1.3 (Jan/Mar 2015)
- Trimm, Mikal
- Africa Screams, Mythic Delirium 14 (Win/Spr 2006)
- Trout, Daniel
- cover art, Mythic Delirium Two (Oct 1998)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 4 (Win/Spr 2001)
- Cryogenic Dreams, Mythic Delirium 4 (Win/Spr 2001)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 5 (Sum/Fal 2001)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 6 (Win/Spr 2002)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 7 (Sum/Fal 2002)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 8 (Win/Spr 2003)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 9 (Sum/Fal 2003)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 10 (Win/Spr 2004)
- Three in Time, Mythic Delirium 10 (Win/Spr 2004)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 11 (Sum/Fal 2004)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 12 (Win/Spr 2005)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 14 (Win/Spr 2006)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 15 (Sum/Fal 2006)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 16 (Win/Spr 2007)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 17 (Sum/Fal 2007)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 18 (Win/Spr 2008)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 19 (Sum/Fal 2008)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 20 (Win/Spr 2009)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 21 (Sum/Fal 2009)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 22 (Win/Spr 2010)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 23 (Sum/Fal 2010)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 24 (Win/Spr 2011)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 25 (Sum/Fal 2011)
- illustrations, Mythic Delirium 26 (Win/Spr 2012)
- Troyer, Gene van
- (You Are Here) You Are Often Replaced, Mythic Delirium 18 (Win/Spr 2008)
- Truslow, Tori
- Tomorrow Is Saint Valentine’s Day, Clockwork Phoenix 3 (2010)
- Tunstall, Danielle
- cover art, Mythic Delirium 0.1 (Jul/Sep 2013)
- Turzillo, Mary A.
- Moon Girl, Earth Guy, Mythic Delirium 25 (Sum/Fal 2011)
- Urban, Scott H.
- The Reluctant Heretic, Mythic Delirium One (Mar 1998)
- ushi
- From the Oort Cloud, Mythic Delirium 14 (Win/Spr 2006) (With Deborah P. Kolodji, oino sakai, Teri Santitoro, Mary Margaret Serpento)
- Valente, Catherynne M.
- The Queen of Hearts, Mythic Delirium 13 (Sum/Fal 2005)
- The Descent of the Corn-Queen of the Midwest, Mythic Delirium 14 (Win/Spr 2006)
- The City of Blind Delight, Clockwork Phoenix (2008)
- The Secret History of Mirrors, Clockwork Phoenix 2 (2009)
- Red Engines, Mythic Delirium 21 (Sum/Fal 2009)
- The Melancholy of Mechagirl, featured poem from Mythic Delirium 25 (Sum/Fal 2011)
- Vanderhooft, JoSelle
- The Minotaur’s Last Letter to His Mother, Mythic Delirium 14 (Win/Spr 2006)
- Two Rivers, Mythic Delirium 15 (Sum/Fal 2006)
- A Sleep of Salt and Sand, Mythic Delirium 16 (Win/Spr 2007)
- Gleipnir Diaries, Mythic Delirium 17 (Sum/Fal 2007)
- Card Tricks, Mythic Delirium 21 (Sum/Fal 2009)
- Van Pelt, James
- The Elevator Illimitable, Mythic Delirium 4.2 (Oct/Dec 2017)
- Walters, Damien Angelica
- On Grief and the Language of Flowers: Selected Arrangements, Mythic Delirium 3.4 (Apr/Jun 2017)
- Walters, Trent
- Baucis and Philemon, Mythic Delirium 4.2 (Oct/Dec 2017)
- Warman, Brittany
- WereMoonMother, Mythic Delirium 0.2 (Oct/Dec 2013)
- Watkins, William John
- They Do Not Sing in Deepest Space, Mythic Delirium Two (Oct 1998)
- Water’s Edge, Mythic Delirium Two (Oct 1998)
- Star Soul Meets Death: Part I, Mythic Delirium 9 (Sum/Fal 2003)
- Star Soul Meets Death: Part II, Mythic Delirium 9 (Sum/Fal 2003)
- Watson, Ian
- Death by Dyslexia, Mythic Delirium 3 (Sum/Fal 2000)
- Schadenfreude, Mythic Delirium 5 (Sum/Fal 2001)
- Surgeons of the Soul, Mythic Delirium 5 (Sum/Fal 2001)
- The Next French Revolution, Mythic Delirium 6 (Win/Spr 2002)
- Oh Happy Franz!, Mythic Delirium 6 (Win/Spr 2002)
- Werechihuahua, Mythic Delirium 6 (Win/Spr 2002)
- A Sort of Hysteresis, Mythic Delirium 8 (Win/Spr 2003)
- Entertaining a Hope, Mythic Delirium 9 (Sum/Fal 2003)
- Cobwebs in Heaven, Mythic Delirium 14 (Win/Spr 2006)
- Counterfactual Photos, Mythic Delirium 24 (Win/Spr 2011)
- Webster, Bud
- September, Mythic Delirium 10 (Win/Spr 2004)
- Rude Awakening, Mythic Delirium 11 (Sum/Fal 2004)
- Three Observations Upon the Discovery that Water Once Existed on Mars, Mythic Delirium 11 (Sum/Fal 2004)
- West, Jaqueline
- All in a Row, Mythic Delirium 18 (Win/Spr 2008)
- Eggshells, Mythic Delirium 18 (Win/Spr 2008)
- Wick, Jessica Paige
- After the Voice Was Taken, Mythic Delirium 16 (Win/Spr 2007)
- To the River, Mythic Delirium 19 (Sum/Fal 2008)
- Apple Jack Tangles the Maidy Lac with a Red, Red Ribbon, featured poem from Mythic Delirium 20 (Win/Spr 2009) (with Amal El-Mohtar)
- Coyote Knock, Mythic Delirium 21 (Sum/Fal 2009)
- Nobody’s Song, Mythic Delirium 25 (Sum/Fal 2011)
- The Fetch, Mythic Delirium 3.4 (Apr/Jun 2017)
- Wilgus, Neal
- Nonzero Playoffs, Mythic Delirium 16 (Win/Spr 2007)
- Surprise!, Mythic Delirium 19 (Sum/Fal 2008)
- Willis, J. Suzanne
- The Cartographer’s Price, Mythic Delirium 3.1 (Jul/Sep 2016)
- Winter, Corrine De
- Black Pearl, Mythic Delirium 4 (Win/Spr 2001)
- Mercy, Mythic Delirium 5 (Sum/Fal 2001)
- Winter, Laurel
- Cold Tombs, Mythic Delirium 3 (Sum/Fal 2000)
- My Last Conquest, Mythic Delirium 3 (Sum/Fal 2000)
- Stopping by World on a Snowy Eon, Mythic Delirium 3 (Sum/Fal 2000)
- The Apple in Her Dreams, Mythic Delirium 4 (Win/Spr 2001)
- The Burning Song, Mythic Delirium 4 (Win/Spr 2001)
- The Dragon Flower Remember, Mythic Delirium 8 (Win/Spr 2003)
- Pharmacist to the Stars, Mythic Delirium 9 (Sum/Fal 2003)
- Enlitenment – as Near as Your All-Nite Pharmacy, Mythic Delirium 11 (Sum/Fal 2004)
- Wise, A.C.
- Lesser Creek: A Love Story, A Ghost Story, Clockwork Phoenix 4 (2013)
- A Guide to Birds by Song (After Death), Clockwork Phoenix 5 (2016)
- Wright, John C.
- Choosers of the Slain, Clockwork Phoenix (2008)
- Murder in Metachronopolis, Clockwork Phoenix 3 (2010)
- YellowBoy, Erzebet
- Sigyn’s Lament, Mythic Delirium 15 (Sum/Fal 2006)
- Eating the Breadcrumbs, Mythic Delirium 16 (Win/Spr 2007)
- Tricksters Are Spinning My Hair, Mythic Delirium 21 (Sum/Fal 2009)
- Yolen, Jane
- Last Day, Mythic Delirium 3 (Sum/Fal 2000)
- Musings about Seth, Mythic Delirium 10 (Win/Spr 2004)
- The Gospel of the Rope, Mythic Delirium 23 (Sum/Fal 2010)
- Princess: A Life, Mythic Delirium 0.4 (Apr/Jun 2014)
- Never Told, Mythic Delirium 0.4 (Apr/Jun 2014)
- Bearing Witness, Mythic Delirium 1.1 (Jul/Sep 2014)
- The Traveler’s Wagon Speaks, Mythic Delirium 1.4 (Apr/Jun 2015)
- Mortar/Pestle, Mythic Delirium 1.4 (Apr/Jun 2015)
- Eating and Being Eaten, Mythic Delirium 1.4 (Apr/Jun 2015)
- Dorothy Before Oz, Mythic Delirium 2.1 (Jul/Sep 2015)
- Rusalka, Mythic Delirium 3.1 (Jul/Sep 2016)
- Feisty Girls, Mythic Delirium 3.3 (Jan/Mar 2017)
- The Confessions of Persephone, Mythic Delirium 3.4 (Apr/Jun 2017)
- Grave Robber, Mythic Delirium 3.4 (Apr/Jun 2017)
- Marrying the Bear, Mythic Delirium 4.1 (Jul/Sep 2017)
- Night Does Not, Mythic Delirium 4.1 (Jul/Sep 2017)
- Zumpe, Lee Clark
- On Chestnut Hill, Mythic Delirium 9 (Sum/Fal 2003)
Our thanks to Jacob Clifton for compiling this page.
If you’ve enjoyed what you’ve read, please consider pitching in to keep us going.
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- A