Mythic Delirium: Print Issue Archives
Issues One to Five | Issues Six to 10 | Issues 11 to 15
Issues 16 to 20 | Issues 21 to 25 | Issues 26 to 30
Special Mythic Delirium issues
Special 10th anniversary issue featuring Neil Gaiman
The Trickster Issue | The Goblin Delirium Issue
Special Ursula K. Le Guin feature: Part One | Part Two
Mythic Delirium 10

Cover by Tim Mullins
Sing Me Songs (or The Spacer’s Blues) by M. Leigh Martin
Musings about Seth by Jane Yolen
Variations on a Theme by William Butler Yeats by Jennifer Crow
Extinction Consummated by Jody Azzouni
Apocalypso by Sonya Taaffe
Lilim, After Dark by Sonya Taaffe
Dreaming in Slow Time by Ann K. Schwader
Man Named the Stars by G.O. Clark
Things Not to Say When You Meet the Master of the Universe by Bruce Boston
Rapunzel, Too Late by W. Paul Ganley
September by Bud Webster
Three in Time by Daniel Trout
Froudian by Rowan-Michelle Black
The Knots of Summer by Sonya Taaffe
Necropolis by Constance Cooper
Colorado River Delta Blues by Gary Every
Mythic Delirium by Kendall Evans and David C. Kopaska-Merkel
Illustrations by Rowan-Michelle Black,
Don Eaves and Terrence Mollendor, Tim Mullins,
Daniel Trout, Bob Snare and Gary Bryant.
Mythic Delirium 9

Cover by Tim Mullins
Star Soul Meets Death: Part I by William John Watkins
Star Soul Meets Death: Part II by William John Watkins
Entertaining a Hope by Ian Watson
Curse of the Harpy’s Husband by Bruce Boston
Pharmacist to the Stars by Laurel Winter
The Mad Scientist Has All the Time in the World by David C. Kopaska-Merkel
While Considering the Possibility of Using the Columbia River Gorge as the Setting for an Epic Fantasy by Mario Milosevic
Warm Thick Beer by Jeremy Gottwig
bones in earth by Joe Haldeman
Hadrian by Darrell Schweitzer
On Chestnut Hill by Lee Clark Zumpe
Kaddish for a Dybbuk by Sonya Taaffe
Shadow Tales by Serena Fusek
Seeing Aphrodite by Jennifer Finstrom
Flame War by Mary Soon Lee
Beyond a Hundred Years by Christina Sng
Letting Go by Ann K. Schwader
Illustrations by Rowan-Michelle Black,
Don Eaves and Terrence Mollendor,
Tim Mullins, Daniel Trout, and Bob Snare.
Buy Mythic Delirium 9
Domestic: $5.00
Canada: $6.00
World: $8.00
Mythic Delirium 8
Features our first Rhysling Award-winning poem,
“Octavia Is Lost in the Hall of Masks” by Theodora Goss

Cover by Tim Mullins
Knock on Wood by Joe Haldeman
The Missing by Timons Esaias
Family Range by Uncle River
the length of a candle by David C. Kopaska-Merkel
A Sort of Hysteresis by Ian Watson
Shiva’s Dentist by Uncle River
The Dragon Flower Remembers by Laurel Winter
Advice by Janni Lee Simner
The Tomb of Forever by Charles M. Saplak
After You Die #12: Dark City by David Bain
Crawlspace by Christina Sng
Tenebrosus by Sonya Taaffe
Beyonding by Jennifer Crow
Octavia is Lost in the Hall of Masks by Theodora Goss
Numerian Augustus by Darrell Schweitzer
Proteus Tells by Sonya Taaffe
Illustrations by Tim Mullins, Daniel Trout,
Don Eaves and Terrence Mollendor, and Bob Snare.
Mythic Delirium 7

Cover by Tim Mullins
Moon Horses by Gary Every
Medusa’s Tale by David C. Kopaska-Merkel
Mission to a Quantum Asteroid by Kendall Evans
Thunderbird by Sonya Taaffe
Downtown Los Angeles by Shunit Mor-Barak
Do Not Disturb the Night by K.S. Hardy
Swimming in the Gene Pool by Kiel Stuart
Ophion by Karen R. Porter
Parchment Found in an Antique Book by David C. Kopaska-Merkel and Kendall Evans
The Windmills Are Closed by Danny Adams
The Old Retainer’s Tale by Darrell Schweitzer
Between Two Worlds by Ann K. Schwader
Reefs by David C. Kopaska-Merkel and Kendall Evans
Illustrations by Daniel Trout, Don Eaves
and Terrence Mollendor, Bob Snare, and Tim Mullins.
Mythic Delirium 6

Cover by Tim Mullins
Oh Happy Franz! by Ian Watson
Chaos and Cakefall by Charles M. Saplak
The Initiate by Cathy Tacinelli
I’ve Been Told of Fourth Street by Marge Simon
Scats by Keith Allen Daniels
Riding to Faery by C.A. Gardner
The Next French Revolution by Ian Watson
Taking the Unicorn to the King by Ruth Berman
Sedna by Sonya Taaffe
The Terror Bird Poem by Gary Every
The Werewolf Explanation by David C. Kopaska-Merkel
Lupercalia by Elizabeth Barrette
Werechihuahua by Ian Watson
Full Moon Coyotes by Blythe Ayne
A Voyage to the Moon by David C. Kopaska-Merkel
Illustrations by Daniel Trout,
Bob Snare, Sheila Hodges, and Tim Mullins.