Mythic Delirium: Print Issue Archives
Issues One to Five | Issues Six to 10 | Issues 11 to 15
Issues 16 to 20 | Issues 21 to 25 | Issues 26 to 30
Special Mythic Delirium issues
Special 10th anniversary issue featuring Neil Gaiman
The Trickster Issue | The Goblin Delirium Issue
Special Ursula K. Le Guin feature: Part One | Part Two
Mythic Delirium 5

Cover by Tim Mullins
The Arrow of Morning by David C. Kopaska-Merkel
The Lost Dauphin Revisited by Darrell Schweitzer
Surgeons of the Soul by Ian Watson
Mercy by Corrine De Winter
Joshua Swims in the Ocean of Dreams by Amy Sterling Casil
“The dead dwell in another world . . . “ by William Mingin
October Witches by Wendy Rathbone and Jack Fisher
Turn of the Century, Jack-in-the-Green by Sonya Taaffe
Aurum by Charles M. Saplak
Ten or So Years Later by Lida Broadhurst
Vardogr by Lindsey Nair
Schadenfreude by Ian Watson
Lich Light by David C. Kopaska-Merkel
Year Three of the Drought by David C. Kopaska-Merkel
February 4th, Farmer’s Almanac Entry by Donna Farley
The Jellies by Carma Park
Lucid Dreaming by Darrell Schweitzer
Illustrations by Daniel Trout, Anita Allen, Tim Mullins,
Brandt Harrell, and Bob Snare.
Mythic Delirium 4

Cover by Tim Mullins
The Apple in Her Dreams by Laurel Winter
Death in Faery Land: Film at Eleven by Kiel Stuart
In the Glade of Solace by Sean Russell Friend
Last One Laments by Lindsey Nair
The Burning Song by Laurel Winter
On Proteus, There is a Moebius by Kendall Evans
Mamlambo by Gary Every
Ghosts of Lake Bonneville by Deborah P. Kolodji
Back to October by Jack Fisher and Wendy Rathbone
“On the underside of time . . . ” by David C. Kopaska-Merkel
Coughing Up by Ann K. Schwader
Cryogenic Dreams by Daniel Trout
Black Pearl by Corrine De Winter
The Dreaming by Carma Park
Of Distant Petroglyphs by Kendall Evans
Chaney & Son by William Laughlin
In the Canyon Lands by Ann K. Schwader
Illustrations by Daniel Trout, Mike Allen, Bob Snare,
Sheila Hodges, Tim Mullins, and Anita Allen
Mythic Delirium 3
Our first issue with DNA Publications

Cover by Tim Mullins
Stopping by World on a Snowy Eon by Laurel Winter
Reflections in a Fading Mir by Ann K. Schwader
Beyond Yonder Door by J.W. Donnelly
The Serial Killer and the Vampire by John Grey
Death by Dyslexia by Ian Watson
In a Spacers’ Bar by Bruce Boston
Pegasus Rose by Richard William Pearce
Gargoyle Memory by Lida Broadhurst
Asgard Staggers, Like Drunken Baldur, Into One Very Bad Hangover Called Ragnorak by Eric Morlin
delirium tremens by Charlee Jacob
Retroactive Reality by Uncle River
Cold Tombs by Laurel Winter
The Groundling Speaks by Bruce Boston
Swan Wings by Jennifer Crow
Last Day by Jane Yolen
Legacy of the Reapers by Bruce Boston
The Stars Ripen by K.S. Hardy
Fisherman by Charlee Jacob
My Last Conquest by Laurel Winter
Illustrations by Bob Snare, Tim Mullins,
and Angela Snow.
Mythic Delirium 2
Our final issue as Allen & Allen Productions

Cover by Daniel Trout
Editorial: Myths and Delusions
A Woman Cast in Stone by Bruce Boston
On the Ten-Year Anniversary of Chernobyl Voles by Ann K. Schwader
Water’s Edge by William John Watkins
Love Song of the Holo-Celebs by Bruce Boston
ramparts dim and struggles in nebula by Charlee Jacob
PostMortal Sex Fantasies by Margaret B. Simon
Pompeii’s Poor Cousins by Ann K. Schwader
Lament of the Beta Tester by Deborah P. Kolodji
Final Approach by Cathy Reniere
Soldiers Descending by Scott E. Green
The Houri and the Hoplites by Keith Allen Daniels
Song of the Eternal Sailors by Bruce Boston
They Do Not Sing in Deepest Space by William John Watkins
Illustrations by Margaret B. Simon, Ted Guerin,
Angela Snow, Sheila Hodges, eli,
Virgil Barfield, and Mike Allen.
Mythic Delirium 1
The beginning of it all.

Cover by Mike Allen
Editorial: Myths and Delusions
Co-Authoring the Delirium by Charlee Jacob
Curse of the Bandersnatch’s Wife by Bruce Boston
Vinland’s Lost Shores by Ann K. Schwader
New Colors and Old by Bruce Boston
From Bastille to Bedlam by W. Gregory Stewart
Status Report by John M. Floyd
The Humpback and the Changeling by Bruce Boston
0’s by Charlee Jacob
Astronomers Peer at Edge of Black Hole by Ann K. Schwader
Yportne, in the Dead of Night by W. Gregory Stewart
The Reluctant Heretic by Scott H. Urban
The Guillotine, a Reflection by Moonlight by James S. Dorr
Poraymous/The Devouring by Ann K. Schwader
There Is a Comfort by James S. Dorr
Illustrations by Margaret B. Simon, Cathy Buburuz,
Charles S. Fallis and Mike Allen.