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Featured Poem II • December 2014 • Mythic Delirium Books

Featured Poem II • December 2014




Lynette Mejía


From the dead Earth, from the sterilized, the cleansed soil of home I build, reanimate, infuse and coax the life that feeds the life that feeds. No cosmic soup, this: No mysterious electrical impulse struck when the primordial iron was hot; We are invaders, here, my seeds and I, aliens bent on colonizing, reclaiming someone else’s home for our own. We come to nourish the new Heaven and the new Earth. My charges, grown with the gift of an artificial sun, recreating the spectrum we left behind. Still, we’re far outside Kansas. They know, have always known, that the light we brought, (Sol Invictus in exile) does not measure up, could not ever measure up. Ungrounded, they are small, and weak; corn barely knee height, beans hanging limp on too-thin limbs, tomatoes a sickly, tainted green. They want what I can’t give them: the x-factor of home. And when they die, as they will, unnatural endings sprung from unnatural beginnings I’ll try again, shuffling the cards of variables, planting them (so carefully) in the cradle of their mothers’ remains.



OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERALynette Mejía writes science fiction, fantasy, and horror prose and poetry. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Goblin Fruit, Dreams & Nightmares, Strange Horizons, Mythic Delirium, and Star*Line. She is currently working on a master’s degree in English Literature at the University of Louisiana-Lafayette, and lives in Carencro, Louisiana, with her husband, three children, six cats, and one dog. You can find her online at www.lynettemejia.com.

She says that “‘Eden.redux’ was inspired by my own love of gardening—not simply the joy of the outdoors, but the feeling of power that comes from growing something from a seed or a tiny plantlet. It’s funny, in a way, because, as a species, we tend to imagine that we’ve fully deciphered (and can easily duplicate) the mysteries of how plants grow, when the fact is, all life on Earth exists because of the chance arrangement of the planets; the fact that this particular rock settled into an orbit within the ‘Goldilocks Zone’ of this particular star. As we colonize other planets, we’d obviously have to grow our own food. But could we?”



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