Home of the speculative fiction anthology series Clockwork Phoenix, acclaimed fantasy books by C.S.E. Cooney, Nicole Kornher-Stace, Theodora Goss, Barbara Krasnoff and more, the Mythic Delirium magazine archive, and other projects from author/editor/publisher Mike Allen
Thanks again for your help in making this book happen. We’re in the second half of the game, for certain — the points on the board are promising, but the clock is ticking down.
A bunch of new backers have signed on, which is wonderful! I hope you folks will check out the add-ons you can choose (detailed here with a little more here) — all of Anita’s jewelry offerings and most of her tumbler sets remain available, for example.
More about the Clockwork Phoenix decals
Before I get to the giveaway stuff — in the madcap rush to get this Kickstarter going, I posted pictures of quite a number of our rewards on the main page without really explaining in detail what they are (and people have pledged for them anyway, which I find really comforting, heh). In a previous update (linked here) I offered more detail about the limited edition signed and numbered chapbooks from Laird Barron (The Occultation) and Catherynne M. Valente (Temnaya and the House of Books) that are never going to be offered anywhere other than through this Kickstarter.
This time around I want to share a little bit more about the vinyl Clockwork Phoenix decals designed by Paula Arwen Owen. They’re based on the new emblem design she created for the Clockwork Phoenix 5 cover and interior. She cuts the decals herself! She made a couple illustrations of their possible uses for me to share.
Every backer who pledges at the $40 “Full Phoenix Level” and up gets one, and will have a choice of black or silver color.
Should anyone desire more than one, I can offer them as a $10 add-on for those who pledge at $40 or above. As with any add-ons, if you do increase your pledge, message me to let me know what you’re adding.
And the giveaway news
Congratulations to Robin L. Martinez, who won copies of my audiobooks The Black Fire Concerto and The Sky-Riders for pledging to get us across the $6,000 mark! We have a winner of the complete Clockwork Phoenix paperback set, I’m still waiting to hear back–but congrats to that person too! (By the way, at $8,500, I’ll give away another set, so there’s still a chance to win one…)
The next giveaway happens when we hit $6500 (less than $325 to go as of this writing.) Hugo Award winner and World Fantasy Award winner John Grant is generously offering signed copies of his short story collections Tell No Lies and Take No Prisoners. If you’re a fan of “All the Little Gods We Are” from the first Clockwork Phoenix or “Where Shadows Go at Low Midnight” from Clockwork Phoenix 3, here’s a chance to get even more of John’s particular brand of strange.
And there’s more coming! I’ve put the full schedule on the main page.
Once again, folks, thank you for all your help so far!
“Horror tales and somber verses that frighten and fascinate.” — Kirkus Reviews
A new collection of horror stories and dark poetry from Mike Allen * * *
“Will appeal to horror fans seeking something fresh.” — Publishers Weekly * * * “Needs to be on the shelf of any horror reader.”— Cemetery Dance * * *
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Locus Recommended Reading List
“This vibrant collection brings together World Fantasy Award winner Goss’s exquisite interpretations of and variations on familiar folk and fairy tales.” — Publishers Weekly BUY NOW
"Excellent new anthology … further evidence that long-form genre fiction is not just alive and well but thriving.”
Four all-new lengthy tales of dark fantasy and horror, with a short novel from C. S. E. Cooney and novellas from Mike Allen, Amanda J. McGee, and Jessica P. Wick.
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The debut collection of stories from Nebula Award finalist Barbara Krasnoff “This is storytelling at the top of the heap.” —Jane Yolen
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“Prepare to be delighted.” —School Library Journal, starred review ORDER NOW The breathtaking sequel to Nicole Kornher-Stace's genre-blending, mind-bending novel Archivist Wasp. "Fierce, blazing, brilliant.” —Jacqueline West, New York Times–bestselling author READ THE FIRST TWO CHAPTERS
World Fantasy Award finalist!
"20 new short stories of unusual variety, texture, compassion, and perception. ” — Publishers Weekly, starred review
A new crowdfunded anthology of beautiful and strange tales
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