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Mike Allen, Author at Mythic Delirium Books

Author Archive

Horror Short Reads StoryBundle: 22 novellas for only $20 til Feb. 27

February 9th, 2025 No Comments

I’m proud to be the curator of the The Horror Short Reads Bundle, a terrific special book bundle deal available through Feb. 27. We live in a new golden age for horror fiction, spurred by surging readership and technological advances in publishing, and no form of narrative has benefited more from this renaissance than the horror novella. The notion that novellas prove the best vessels for horror has for decades been the conventional wisdom among connoisseurs. The incontrovertible evidence dates


Mythic Delirium celebrates its 26th anniversary (because we missed the 25th!!) + Register to take part!

November 18th, 2024 No Comments

November 23, starting at 6 p.m. EST Register at Eventbrite for this free online celebration CROSSPOSTED FROM C.S.E. COONEY’S BLOG Dear friends of Speculative Fiction, Indie Presses, the Weird, the Wild, and the Wonderous, greetings! It is the 26th Anniversary of Mythic Delirium Books, a micropress run by Mike and Anita Allen, that specializes in speculative fiction and poetry, with a penchant for writing that’s challenging to classify. In the past, the imprint provided homes to Mythic Delirium, a digital journal


SLOW BURN is here!

July 22nd, 2024 No Comments

Anita and I travelled to Readercon in Boston earlier this month to see friends we’ve not seen in anywhere from 18 months to five years — and also to accomplish something akin to an official launch of my newest collection of horror stories and dark poetry, Slow Burn. I read excerpts from the book to a select few Saturday afternoon, read a little more from it during Sunday’s open mic poetry reading, and sold enough copies that I have to


Our collections from Theodora Goss and Yukimi Ogawa on the latest LOCUS Recommended Reading List!

February 1st, 2024 No Comments

Anita and I and Sydney share this announcement with incandescent delight: both of the collections of short fiction that we published in 2023, The Collected Enchantments by Theodora Goss and Like Smoke, Like Light: Stories by Yukimi Ogawa, made the newest Locus Magazine Recommended Reading List! We have a really cool celebratory promotion in the works — but we’re not prepared to talk about that yet. (Stay tuned!) So in the meantime, we’re offering a wee deal for those who


LIKE SMOKE, LIKE LIGHT makes PUBLISHERS WEEKLY Best of 2023: End of Year 25th anniversary celebration sale

December 19th, 2023 No Comments

We at Mythic Delirium (aka myself, Anita and Sydney) are all pleased as punch that Yukimi Ogawa’s debut short fiction collection, Like Smoke, Like Light, landed on Publishers Weekly’s short list of the Best Science Fiction/Fantasy/Horror Books of 2023. Congratulations to Yukimi, and a little pat on our own backs for continuing to be the Teensy Micropress That Could. We certainly suspect that this won’t be the last honor for Like Smoke, Like Light. The recognition won by Yukimi’s book


Mythic Delirium Books award eligibility post and much much more

November 25th, 2023 No Comments

2023 has been a spectacular, extraordinarily special and extremely stressful year. A whole lot happened during the past five months, with events moving faster than the speed of a blog. First, it’s high time I shared Ye Olde Annual Award Eligibility Post, both for the books and stories produced by Mythic Delirium Books (aka Anita ’n’ me) during our 25th anniversary year — and also for the short stories I had published during this 31st year of me being around


A new World Fantasy Award nomination for C.S.E. Cooney: celebratory sale!

October 1st, 2023 No Comments

This is so exciting! We at Mythic Delirium Books (that is, Anita and I and Sydney) are thrilled that Dark Breakers, our second collection of short fiction from World Fantasy Award winner C.S.E. Cooney, has been named a World Fantasy Award finalist in its own right in the Best Story Collection category! Congratulations again Claire! We like to celebrate occasions like this by making our books more accessible — so we have for a limited time made the e-book editions


DARK BREAKERS is a World Fantasy Award finalist and more: an overdue update

September 5th, 2023 No Comments

The process of recovering from my knee reconstruction surgery has placed me woefully behind in sharing the cool and amazing things that have been happening on the Mythic Delirium Books front. I’m going to try to make up for that now. I’ve not been doing enough, I think, to remind folks that, teeny tiny as we are, we still manage to make a lot of cool stuff happen. Most recent and most wonderful: Dark Breakers by C. S. E. Cooney (our


LIKE SMOKE, LIKE LIGHT is here + four questions with Yukimi Ogawa

June 21st, 2023 No Comments

The third book release planned for Mythic Delirium’s 25th anniversary celebration has launched! You can now purchase Yukimi Ogawa’s debut Like Smoke, Like Light wherever books are sold online, and even in at least a few physical stores. (If your local store isn’t carrying it, by all means, request that they order it.) As we did in February with our first two 2023 releases, we’re commemorating this event by sharing a quick interview with author Yukimi Ogawa about her inspirations


DARK BREAKERS by C.S.E. Cooney is a Locus Award finalist! + Special Celebratory Sale

June 1st, 2023 No Comments

We at Mythic Delirium Books (that is, Anita and I and Sydney) are thrilled that Dark Breakers, our second collection of short fiction from World Fantasy Award winner C.S.E. Cooney, has been a named a 2023 Locus Award finalist in the Best Story Collection category! Congratulations, Claire! Traditionally we celebrate such honors by making the works in question more accessible, and this occasion is no different. In fact, we have made the e-book editions of all Claire’s titles with us

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