C. S. E. Cooney reads from BONE SWANS at KGB Bar this Wednesday
Here’s a notice to those in driving or train-riding distance of New York City this coming Wednesday: C.S.E. Cooney will be reading from her short story collection Bone Swans as part of the monthly Fantastic Fiction at KGB reading series that takes place inside Manhattan’s KGB Bar. She’s paired with YA punk fairy tale author Sarah McCarry (aka The Rejectionist). The reading starts at 7 p.m.; Cooney’s a terrific reader, you really don’t want to miss this.
Bone Swans is finishing strong here at the end of 2015. Add to its many rave reviews this one from the December issue of Lightspeed Magazine:
Bone Swans is a vivacious, eminently devourable debut thick with the language and experience of folk and fairy stories. Absolutely no one inhabits fairy tale the way Cooney does. Other writers might retell fairy tales, muse on fairy tales, be inspired by fairy tales, but she synthesizes them with a fierce tenderness utterly her own: Cooney’s mode of composition is to bury fairy tale bones beneath a juniper tree and coax them up out of the earth to sing of how much they loved their murder.
Bone Swans also made an appearance in the “Tor.com Reviewers’ Choice: The Best Books of 2015” list. Reviewer Caitlyin Paxson write that Cooney “deftly navigates between worlds and unique narrative voices.”
I want to thank everybody who helped to signal boost the 99 cent special on Bone Swans held at the start of November at Weightless Books. Thanks to you, Claire’s book was the #1 bestseller at Weightless through November (and December, so far!) — in fact, Bone Swans is as of this writing sitting at #10 on the site’s top 10 bestseller list for the entire year!
