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CLOCKWORK PHOENIX 5 gets starred review in PUBLISHERS WEEKLY • Mythic Delirium Books


March 9th, 2016 No Comments

The first review of Clockwork Phoenix 5 has appeared, and we’re proud to report that it’s a coveted starred review from Publishers Weekly! We could not have hoped for better.

CP5_widgetAllen’s strange and lovely fifth genre-melding fantasy anthology selects 20 new short stories of unusual variety, texture, compassion, and perception. . . . The common denominator seems to be love in many unusual incarnations: two fathers’ devotion to their lost children in Barbara Krasnoff’s ghost story “Sabbath Wine,” a sensitive testament to same-sex marriage in Jason Kimble’s tall tale “The Wind at His Back,” and the love of excellence in Benjanun Sriduangkaew’s “The Finch’s Wedding and the Hive that Sings.” Perhaps the most difficult to classify is Beth Cato’s “The Souls of Horses,” which explores an unusual side of the U.S. Civil War. All the stories afford thought-provoking glimpses into alternative realities that linger, sparking unconventional thoughts, long after they are first encountered.

Read the full review here.
At present Anita and I are getting ready to visit the International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts in Orlando. And the official launch of Clockwork Phoenix 5 follows not long after, at the New York Review of Science Fiction Readings in Brooklyn on April 5.
I’ll have copies for sale there, but if you can’t make it, no worries—there’s plenty of pre-order links to be found here.

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