First review of LATCHKEY! Plus new blurbs & a review copy giveaway
The official release date for Latchkey is just two months away, and the first review of the book is in, from Locus Magazine reviewer Liz Bourke, published in the May issue. It’s a lengthy, detailed review, with a lot to say, all of it positive. An excerpt:
“Latchkey’s prose is elegantly self-effacing: smooth, easy to read, and full of adroit turns of phrase. Kornher-Stace has a gift for creating atmosphere, from the familial closeness of Isabel’s small community of former upstarts in the Catchkeep-temple, to the ominous claustrophobia of the tunnels beneath Sweetwater, and into the hectic chaos and turmoil of battle. And underwriting every moment is a core of kindness, of compassion—of choosing a path away from cruelty, even when it’s hard: a core that makes this book, for all its darkness, somehow fundamentally uplifting. If I had to choose one word to describe this novel, it would be compelling: in its pacing, its characterisation, and even in its genre-blending approach to worldbuilding, it compels attention. I really enjoyed Latchkey. I can’t recommend it, and Archivist Wasp, highly enough.”
—Liz Bourke, Locus
We’ve also received a pair of lovely blurbs, from Tiffany Trent and Delia Sherman:
“The sequel to Nicole Kornher-Stace’s Archivist Wasp is a breathless rollercoaster ride through hope, despair, narrow escapes, and a history that refuses to die, built on a bedrock theme of community and friendship. All the characters are individual, convincing, and alive—including the dead ones. I’ve never read anything like it, except Archivist Wasp. If you’re looking for a fresh voice in dark fantasy, you’ve found one.”
—Delia Sherman, author of The Evil Wizard Smallbone“Spine-tingling ghost encounters and tension sharp as razorwire make this a sequel well worth waiting for. You will not want to miss this, but you might need to sleep with the lights on and plant a protective circle of ghostgrass around your bed!”
—Tiffany Trent, award-winning author of The Unnaturalists
Pre-order links for Latchkey can be found here. For members of NetGalley who’d like a chance to read and review Kornher-Stace’s book before it’s published, e-book editions of the ARC will remain available for request through the end of May. Click here to go to that link.
Finally, through the month of May, LibraryThing is offering 15 paperback ARCs of Latchkey to members of the site’s Early Reviewers program. So if you are one, or if you sign up to be one, there’s a chance you could win one of the books in the stack below. To check out the giveaway, click here.
