Kornher-Stace KGB reading Wednesday + LATCHKEY on Tor.com Best YA list
This Wednesday (tomorrow!) Nicole Kornher-Stace will be reading at the KGB Bar in Manhattan as part of the venerable Fantastic Fiction at KGB series hosted by Ellen Datlow and Matt Kressel. Her partner in the reading will be Maria Dahvana Headley, author of The Mere Wife and other novels.

Nicole will have copies of Archivist Wasp and Latchkey with her to sell. My understanding is that she’ll be reading a piece of fiction set in that same universe. Don’t miss out!
It feel fortuitous that the publicity efforts for the reading happen to coincide with the news that Latchkey made Tor.com’s Best Young Adult Science Fiction and Fantasy of 2018 list.

Columnist Alex Brown writes, “Part dystopia, part science fiction, and part fantasy adventure quest, Kornher-Stace mixes genres together for a memorable story.”
Congratulations to Nicole!