Apex Holiday Horror Contest and Apex Sponsorship
Halloween may have ended, but the occasion for horror certainly has not — and I’m not just talking about the state of the world. There’s plenty of room for the fun kind of horror in other seasons, as the contest that I have the honor of judging amply demonstrates.
In the run-up to returning to a full-time publishing schedule after a hiatus of more than a year and a half, the three-time Hugo Award-nominated Apex Magazine is holding a Holiday Horrors Flash Fiction Contest! Editor-im-chief Jason Sizemore and managing editor Lesley Conner will be sorting through the entries on first read . . . And I will get to pick the winners! I remain super-flattered Jason thought of me for this.
The deadline to enter is midnight EST Nov. 15, so there is still time to try your hand at holiday scares. Christmas, Kwanzaa, Las Posadas, Hanukkah, Diwali, Winter Solstice, and Chinese New Year themes are all fair game.
The submission portal for the Apex Magazine contest is here, and the rules for the contest are here, complete with a shot of me smirking at the camera.
If it just so happens that clicking on an ad at Apex Magazine brought you here, then know that the publishers of Mythic Delirium Books (a.k.a. Anita and I) are the sponsors of Apex this month (and next month!) and we are proud to do it! And also know this:

For November, we are promoting the two new dark fantasy and horror titles we release in 2020! Links for more information about Aftermath of an Industrial Accident and A Sinister Quartet and where to buy them all are below.