March featured content from MYTHIC DELIRIUM: Llewellyn, Johnson, Gailey
The rollout of our treasures from Mythic Delirium 1.3 concludes with our new features for March:
• Livia Llewellyn’s unsettling “Pureland” plunges into a dire situation to reveal unexpected transformations;
• The theme of transformation continues in John Philip Johnson’s enigmatic “Love Song”;
• Jeannine Hall Gailey sets us down on a note both cautionary and hopeful as she provides “A Primer for Reading 23 Pairs of Chromosomes, or, Introduction to Your Own Personal Genome Project.”
The next issue, with works from Jane Yolen, Adam Howe, Dominik Parisien, C.S. MacCath and more is already in the pipeline. If you want the chance to read it before the rest of the world does, then subscribe here.