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Mike Allen, Author at Mythic Delirium Books • Page 15 of 28

Author Archive

Our new alphabetical site map

June 8th, 2016 No Comments

Mythic Delirium Books at last has a site map!   On this page, you can find all the stories and poems from all the online issues of Mythic Delirium, sorted alphabetically by author. The index also includes all the stories from the Clockwork Phoenix anthology series and in C.S.E. Cooney’s collection Bone Swans, with links to the landing pages for the individual books.     I gotta give a shout of gratitude to Jacob Clifton, who super-generously made this page


June features live at Mythic Delirium: Alering, Ausema, Odasso

June 6th, 2016 No Comments

Our June featured poems and story from the electronic pages of Mythic Delirium 2.4 have gone live on our website, wrapping up three full years of digital zinesterhood.   Alisa Alering’s “We Will Hold,” inspired by a remarkable ceramic sculpture by Pam Stern, shares a surreal, eerie and unforgettable tale of five sisters with a special bond.   Daniel Ausema makes his Mythic Delirium debut with “Beings of Air,” a wistful science fiction poem, while A.J. Odasso offers an evocative,


May featured works live at MYTHIC DELIRIUM: Aderman, Leibowitz, Bissett

May 9th, 2016 No Comments

Our slow reveal of our spring issue continues with the unveiling of our featured content for May.   In “The Muse,” Amy Aderman shares a thoughtful, touching tale of the prince whose transformation from swan to human remains incomplete. Sandy Leibowitz’s poem “One-Winged” approaches that story from yet another angle. Completing an anthropomorphic trifecta, Carina Bissett warns us about “Swimming with the Shark Boys.”   If you can’t wait to read the rest of the issue, you still have options!


Mythic Delirium invades Google Play

April 24th, 2016 No Comments

Thanks to a surprise opportunity, e-book editions of the Mythic Delirium Books anthologies and collections (and a number of my own books, too) are now available on Google Play, the Android equivalent of iBooks. One feature of Google Play that particularly impresses me: readers who buy a book can toggle back and forth between an EPUB edition and a PDF edition, thus having the choice of a standard e-book with flowing text and a facsimile of the print book available


A STORY A DAY blog reviews all of CLOCKWORK PHOENIX 5

April 21st, 2016 No Comments

Here’s a treat: what I consider to be the most fine-detailed and insightful review of the Clockwork Phoenix 5 anthology to date appeared in installments over the course of a couple months at the A Story A Day Keeps Boredom Away blog, also known as 365shortstories.   Here’s links to all of the individual reviews:   “The Wind at His Back” by Jason Kimble “The Fall Shall Further the Flight in Me” by Rachael K. Jones “The Perfect Happy Family”


CLOCKWORK PHOENIX 5 arises and flies

April 18th, 2016 No Comments

So, as I mentioned in a previous post, I’m still playing the “belated” game, which is why I’m only now getting to the official post declaring that our newest anthology, Clockwork Phoenix 5, is available everywhere — though, to be fair, numerous shouts resounded via more ephemeral social media outlets on the April 5 launch date, and the launch reading that day was a smash success. More about that anon.   First, links to all the places you can find


The spring issue of MYTHIC DELIRIUM is here!

April 4th, 2016 No Comments

The April-May-June 2016 issue of Mythic Delirium (click to view)celebrates spring with three stories of fey strangeness from three writers new to the pages of our magazine. Roshani Chokshi reveals the fate of those who seek the fox feast, Amy Aderman offers a bright take on an inescapable curse, and Alisa Alering (an alumna of Clockwork Phoenix 4) spins an ekphrastic tale of preternatural sisters.   Our poems this time come from Theodora Goss, Virginia M. Mohlere, Sandi Leibowitz, Carina


CLOCKWORK PHOENIX 5 Goodreads giveaway and countdown to launch party

March 23rd, 2016 No Comments

As of this evening the official release of Clockwork Phoenix 5 is less than two weeks away.   In collaboration with Jim Freund, the man behind New York’s long-running Hour of the Wolf radio program, we’re going to be holding a launch party for the book in Brooklyn, N.Y., as part of the New York Review of Science Fiction Readings.   Clockwork Phoenix 5 contributors Rob Cameron, C.S.E. Cooney, Carlos Hernandez, Barbara Krasnoff, Sonya Taaffe, Shveta Thakrar and A.C. Wise


THE SPIDER TAPESTRIES scatters into the world, abetted by kind blurbs and reviews

March 23rd, 2016 No Comments

For reasons good and bad, I’m awfully behind in promoting my latest writing and publishing hijinx. So, belatedly but enthusiastically, more than three weeks after the fact, I’m thrilled to announce that my second short story collection, the ultra-ultraweird The Spider Tapestries: Seven Strange Stories, is loose in the world!   I had been planning on Book Day to share the full text of the wonderful blurb that World Fantasy Award winner Scott Nicolay wrote for The Spider Tapestries—except I



March 9th, 2016 No Comments

The first review of Clockwork Phoenix 5 has appeared, and we’re proud to report that it’s a coveted starred review from Publishers Weekly! We could not have hoped for better.   Allen’s strange and lovely fifth genre-melding fantasy anthology selects 20 new short stories of unusual variety, texture, compassion, and perception. . . . The common denominator seems to be love in many unusual incarnations: two fathers’ devotion to their lost children in Barbara Krasnoff’s ghost story “Sabbath Wine,” a

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