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Archive for the ‘Signal boosts’ Category

CLOCKWORK PHOENIX 4 short story by Kenneth Schneyer now Nebula Award finalist!

February 25th, 2014 2 Comments

Our heartfelt congratulations to Kenneth Schneyer, whose short story “Selected Program Notes from the Retrospective Exhibition of Theresa Rosenberg Latimer” from Clockwork Phoenix 4 has been nominated by the membership of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America for the 2013 Nebula Award for Best Short Story. Way to go, Ken!   Ken’s story is doubly crowdfunded. “Selected Program Notes” is part of a series of stories written for his successful 2010 Kickstarter. And of course, Clockwork Phoenix 4


Celebrating our staff: PEN PAL by Francesca Forrest

February 17th, 2014 No Comments

Francesca Forrest, our assistant copy editor for Mythic Delirium and Clockwork Phoenix, has a mythic and interstitial novel out, Pen Pal, that’s been racking up accolades since it debuted in December. Congratulations, Francesca!   By the way, Pen Pal is available as a paperback from Amazon and Barnes & Noble, or as an ebook from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and Apple.   Check out what folks have been saying about Francesca’s book: Told through letters, journal entries, news articles,


Our MystiCon schedules

February 12th, 2014 No Comments

Anita and I will be on all kinds of panels and workshops at the upcoming MystiCon convention right here in Roanoke. I’ll be reading from my novel The Black Fire Concerto and Anita and I together will be talking about Clockwork Phoenix and anthologies in general, and Anita, it seems, will be sharing her costuming know-how just about everywhere. Here’s what our schedules look like:   Friday, Feb. 21 4 p.m. Anita. Two hour costume workshop. 7 p.m. Anita. Panel:


CLOCKWORK PHOENIX 4 stories in 2013 Locus Recommended Reading List

February 4th, 2014 No Comments

Locus Magazine unveiled the 2013 Locus Recommended Reading List this past weekend, and we’re proud to report that three stories from Clockwork Phoenix 4 made the list.   For the novelette category, the panel chose our dark secondary-world fantasy “The Canal Barge Magician’s Number Nine Daughter” by Australian writer Ian McHugh.   For the short story category, the panel picked two tales that have already gotten a lot of buzz: Kenneth Schneyer’s subtle supernatural story “Selected Program Notes from the


Zombies, cats and telepaths: February features from MYTHIC DELIRIUM

February 3rd, 2014 No Comments

Our February featured content from the virtual pages of Mythic Delirium 0.3 has just gone live, with fiction by Kenneth Schneyer and poetry by J.C. Runolfson and David Sklar. Click the links below to check them out, click here to check out the entire issue, and click here if you’d like to subscribe.   Levels of Observation • Kenneth Schneyer Zora Neale Hurston Meets Felicia Felix-Mentor on the Road • J.C. Runolfson Cat’s Canticle • David Sklar   #SFWApro


CLOCKWORK PHOENIX 4 awards eligibility post

January 27th, 2014 No Comments

A number of awards in the science fiction, fantasy and horror fields have opened to nominations for what was best in 2013, and I wanted to note that Clockwork Phoenix 4 and the eighteen stories within are all eligible.   Obviously, Clockwork Phoenix 4 is eligible for Best Anthology, for awards that have such a category.   The following are eligible for Best Novelette categories: “The Canal Barge Magician’s Number Nine Daughter” by Ian McHugh “A Little of the Night”


CLOCKWORK PHOENIX 4 stories in Best of Year anthologies

January 23rd, 2014 No Comments

We at Mythic Delirium Books (i.e me’n’Anita) were proud to learn that two stories from Clockwork Phoenix 4 are being reprinted in “Year’s Best” anthologies.   Tanith Lee’s eerie novelette “A Little of the Night” has been chosen to appear in The Year’s Best Dark Fantasy & Horror 2014 edited by Paula Guran.   Benjanun Sriduangkaew’s far future sf story “The Bees Her Heart, the Hive Her Belly” has been picked for The Year’s Best Science Fiction & Fantasy 2014


Poems selected for the final print issue of MYTHIC DELIRIUM

November 24th, 2013 No Comments

From the moment I knew that the print edition of Mythic Delirium was going to end, it was a challenge to figure out what should go in the final issue, No. 30. A retrospective made sense, but how to come up with one? After all, we’ve showcased 524 poems through 29 issues over 15 years, with verse from bestselling authors and newcomers whose first published pieces appeared in our pages — how do you boil that down to make a


The CLOCKWORK PHOENIX 4 special edition goes there & back again

November 22nd, 2013 No Comments

When we ran the Kickstarter in 2012 that made it possible to bring the Clockwork Phoenix series back from the ashes, we offered, for $1,000, to create a special edition of the book signed by all the contributors. We had one taker, and this past Monday that single book was handed to its rightful owner.   As my final Clockwork Phoenix 4 post, of this week, here is that special book’s eight month odyssey, with pictures. #SFWApro   In April,


Read a story by Kenneth Schneyer from CLOCKWORK PHOENIX 4

November 20th, 2013 No Comments

Continuing my “better late that never” philosophy this week, I’m proud to be able to share with with you this free-to-read sample story from the pages of Clockwork Phoenix 4.   I’ll share a little secret. Kenneth Schneyer’s short story “Selected Program Notes from the Retrospective Exhibition of Theresa Rosenberg Latimer” was the very first arrival when we opened to submissions for the anthology in October 2012 — and it set a very high bar for the 1,400 stories that

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