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Mythic Delirium Books • 23/28 • Home of the speculative fiction anthology series Clockwork Phoenix, acclaimed fantasy books by C.S.E. Cooney, Nicole Kornher-Stace, Theodora Goss, Barbara Krasnoff and more, the Mythic Delirium magazine archive, and other projects from author/editor/publisher Mike Allen

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Explore back issues of Mythic Delirium
Year Last: July 2017–June 2018
Year Three: July 2016–June 2017
Year Two: July 2015–June 2016
Year One: July 2014–June 2015
Year Zero: July 2013–June 2014


Best Science Fiction 2014 honorable mentions for CLOCKWORK PHOENIX 4

July 2nd, 2014 No Comments

Congratulations to the following contributors to Clockwork Phoenix 4, whose stories received honorable mentions from editor Gardner Dozois in The Year’s Best Science Fiction: Thirty-First Annual Collection.   • “The Canal Barge Magician’s Number Nine Daughter” by Ian McHugh • “What Still Abides” by Marie Brennan • “A Little of the Night” by Tanith Lee • “I Come from the Dark Universe” by Cat Rambo • “The Bees Her Heart, the Hive Her Belly” by Benjanun Sriduangkaew • “The Old


Table of contents: MYTHIC DELIRIUM 1.1, July-September 2014

June 23rd, 2014 No Comments

I’m thrilled to be able to share the table of contents of the next issue of Mythic Delirium, which has already gone out to subscribers and reviewers. (If you’re not a subscriber and you’d like a copy, click this link.)   This issue features several plunges into treacherous deeps. Jamie Killen and Virginia M. Mohlere share tales of grim prices paid to stave off surging waters, and Saira Ali tells a tale of island banishment. Poems in this issue exploring


CLOCKWORK PHOENIX 4 story by Kenneth Schneyer chosen for HEIRESSES OF RUSS anthology

June 23rd, 2014 No Comments

Today we get to brag about Kenneth Schneyer’s short story from Clockwork Phoenix 4 yet again. Not only did “Selected Program Notes from the Retrospective Exhibition of Theresa Rosenberg Latimer” land Nebula and Theodore Sturgeon award nominations … the story was chosen by editors Melissa Scott and Steve Berman for inclusion in Heiresses of Russ 2014: The Year’s Best Lesbian Speculative Fiction, coming in August from Lethe Press, with a charmingly retro cover. (Clockwork Phoenix contributors Benjanun Sriduangkaew, Cat Rambo


More reprints of stories from Clockwork Phoenix and Mythic Delirium

June 17th, 2014 No Comments

Our heartfelt congratulations go out to Nicole Kornher-Stace, Marie Brennan and Mary Robinette Kowal, whose stories from our pages have been picked up for big bookstore releases.   “What Still Abides,” Marie Brennan’s dark tale from Clockwork Phoenix 4 of a ancient community’s efforts to rid themselves of a terrible curse, and “Present,” Nicole Kornher-Stace’s story from Mythic Delirium 0.3 about a mother’s desperate efforts to keep her child safe from the zombie apocalypse, will both be reappearing in Zombies:


Ogawa, Leibowitz, Cato: June featured content online at MYTHIC DELIRIUM

June 5th, 2014 No Comments

I’m pleased to announce that the June featured story and featured poems have gone live on MythicDelirium.com, completing our fourth full issue as a digital magazine.   Our featured short story, “The Giant’s Tree” by Yukimi Ogawa, is a whimsical and touching tale rooted in Japanese folklore that bounds in some surprising directions.   Our featured poems also touch on Japanese folklore. Sandi Leibowitz describes flirtation with a dangerous edge in “Unmasking” while Beth Cato brings it all home in


Taking stock: CLOCKWORK PHOENIX 4 honors so far

May 12th, 2014 2 Comments

It’s been suggested to me (by my friend Dominik Parisien, to give credit where it’s due) that I ought to do a summary of all the award nominations and other honors that the stories in Clockwork Phoenix 4 have accumulated so far. I think, for a book started from scratch via Kickstarter and unavailable in most brick-and-mortar stores, we’ve done astonishingly well. See what you think:   • “Selected Program Notes from the Retrospective Exhibition of Theresa Rosenberg Latimer” by


CLOCKWORK PHOENIX 4 story from Tanith Lee a Shirley Jackson Award finalist

May 9th, 2014 No Comments

Our run of great luck continues! Congratulations to Tanith Lee, whose story “A Little of the Night” from Clockwork Phoenix 4 is a finalist for the Shirley Jackson Award for Best Novelette!   The awards, which will be announced July 13 at ReaderCon, honor “outstanding achievement in the literature of psychological suspense, horror, and the dark fantastic.”   Tanith’s story was previously selected for reprinting in The Year’s Best Dark Fantasy and Horror 2014.   We’ll be crossing our fingers


The Banjo Apocalypse Crinoline Troubadours perform poems from Mythic Delirium

May 8th, 2014 No Comments

I’ve been meaning to share this one for a while.   The Banjo Apocalypse Crinoline Troubadours consist of C.S.E. Cooney, Amal El-Mohtar, Caitlyn Paxson (and sometimes Patty Templeton and/or Nicole Kornher-Stace) — all of whom have been contributors to Mythic Delirium and some to Clockwork Phoenix as well.   The Troubadours put on a performance in January and posted many videos from said performance to YouTube. With permission, I’m sharing renditions of two poems by Amal that first appeared in


Our CLOCKWORK PHOENIX 4 story by Kenneth Schneyer a Theodore Sturgeon Award finalist

May 5th, 2014 No Comments

Once again, we’re extending our heartfelt congratulations to Clockwork Phoenix 4 contributor Kenneth Schneyer. His story from our pages, “Selected Program Notes from the Retrospective Exhibition of Theresa Rosenberg Latimer,” is now a Theodore Sturgeon Award finalist on top of being a Nebula Award finalist.   Given by the Center for the Study of Science Fiction at Kansas University, the Sturgeon Award honors the best science fiction short stories of the year.   Ken has some great competition for both


May featured content from MYTHIC DELIRIUM 0.4 now online

May 5th, 2014 No Comments
Painting by Giuseppe Arcimboldo, courtesy National Gallery of Art. Design by Mike and Anita Allen.

May’s features from our newest issue, Mythic Delirium 0.4, are now online.   This month’s new fiction comes from Cedar Sanderson. “Milkweed” is a bittersweet story of common ground found between human and fey.   Our poems this month take revisionist looks at time-honored fairy tale notions. “The Silver Comb” by Mari Ness adds to the terror of the banshee a twist of longing, and Jane Yolen’s “Never Told” presents us with the flip side of Happily Ever After.  

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