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Mythic Delirium Books • 22/28 • Home of the speculative fiction anthology series Clockwork Phoenix, acclaimed fantasy books by C.S.E. Cooney, Nicole Kornher-Stace, Theodora Goss, Barbara Krasnoff and more, the Mythic Delirium magazine archive, and other projects from author/editor/publisher Mike Allen

Zine archive

Explore back issues of Mythic Delirium
Year Last: July 2017–June 2018
Year Three: July 2016–June 2017
Year Two: July 2015–June 2016
Year One: July 2014–June 2015
Year Zero: July 2013–June 2014


The MYTHIC DELIRIUM anthology: cover reveal and table of contents

September 23rd, 2014 1 Comment

Okay, so we haven’t quite kept this a secret. (How could we sit on a treasure this pretty? Seriously?)   Nonetheless, consider this the official cover reveal for the first Mythic Delirium paperback anthology. We’re proud to have Hugo Award winner Galen Dara on board as our cover artist for this first venture into not-quite-charted territory.   I add the caveat because obviously it’s not our first venture into paperback anthologies. Once upon the time there were the two MYTHIC


Table of contents and cover reveal for MYTHIC DELIRIUM 1.2

September 21st, 2014 No Comments

I’m delighted to unveil the cover art and table of contents for our next issue and final issue of this year, Mythic Delirium 1.2, October-December 2014. It’s a cornucopia of curious themes, uncertain faith and Shakespearian fraud, explorations of outer space and inner self, lost souls and archeological mysteries. Fiction is by Brady Golden, Sonya Taaffe and Nathaniel Lee; poetry by Michele Bannister, Rose Lemberg, Alicia Cole, Alex Dally MacFarlane and Lynette Mejía.   Featured in October “Behind Glass” by


Gemma Files story from CLOCKWORK PHOENIX 4 a WSFA Small Press Award finalist

September 9th, 2014 No Comments

So it appears the remarkable run for the stories in Clockwork Phoenix 4 isn’t over yet.   Congratulations to Gemma Files, whose dark fantasy tale “Trap-weed” is a finalist for the 2014 WSFA Small Press Award for Short Fiction. The winner, chosen by the Washington Science Fiction Association, gets announced next month at Capclave in Maryland.   This is actually Gemma’s second Clockwork Phoenix contribution to take a shot at the WSFA. Her novelette co-written with her husband Stephen J.


September featured works from Mythic Delirium: Mohlere, Lanagan, Taaffe

September 4th, 2014 No Comments
Margo Lanagan

Our featured content for September has gone live, which means the last remaining story and poems from Mythic Delirium 1.1 are available now for all to read.   They include:   • “Hold Back the Waters” by Virginia M. Mohlere: a story of a family’s astonishing and sometimes tragic secret. (Enthusiastic review from Charlotte Ashley of Apex Magazine here.) • “An Eyewitness Guide to the Sea Shore” by Margo Lanagan, a playful, eerie bit of mystery (written at one of


A little progress report

September 2nd, 2014 No Comments

This is just a quick note to let folks know how things stand in the house of Mythic Delirium.   First, submissions: as always, I have a ton of other projects going on; as a result, I’ve only this past week begun responding to submissions received for issues 1.4 and 2.1. Though I would have preferred to start reading a little bit quicker, this isn’t too far off my planned schedule. The reading window still has a month to go,


Our August featured story and poems are live

August 7th, 2014 No Comments

Our reveal of the contents of Mythic Delirium 1.1 continues with the release of our August featured content.   In our featured story by Saira Ali, “The Djinn” explains the terms of his banishment.   This month happens to feature three poems instead of the usual two: • Hugo, Nebula and Rhysling winner Geoffrey A. Landis revisits the myth of “Orpheus” to tell a harsh truth; • Gwynne Garfinkle draws whimsy and sorrow from old monster movies in “It’s a



July 27th, 2014 No Comments

Since this particular adventure involves several Mythic Delirium Books titles, I’m stepping onto the other side of the writer/editor divide. There’s five more days to go in the Goodreads giveaway for my upcoming short story collection Unseaming: twenty paperback advance reading copies are up for grabs. To promote that giveaway, I thought I would expand it with a few more.   Starting today and continuing through July 31, to coincide with the end of the Unseaming giveaway, five of my



July 23rd, 2014 No Comments

A year ago, during the Kickstarter campaign to create this magazine, I offered as a reward an omnibus collection of my poetry in ebook form. This week, what I’ve actually released is something better.   Hungry Constellations is my first poetry collection available in ebook format (and it is available in paperback too.) Dominik Parisien sorted through two decades of my poetry to curate the book, with selections from my collections Strange Wisdoms of the Dead and The Journey to


Praise for our story from Virginia M. Mohlere in MYTHIC DELIRIUM 1.1

July 22nd, 2014 No Comments

Over at Apex Magazine, Charlotte Ashley’s “Clavis Aurea” column spotlights Virginia M. Mohlere‘s “Hold Back the Waters” from Mythic Delirium 1.1, at present only available to subscribers (ahem!). Charlotte writes:   The strength of this story is in the world building. St. Bran’s is Annabeth’s home, a place real enough that it might be right outside your door, but where everyday life is conducted with a little mystery – a little magic. … With a great mix of epic-scale powers


Our first issue of our second year is here!

July 2nd, 2014 No Comments

The newest issue of Mythic Delirium, the July-Sept. 2014 issue, ie. Issue 1.1, is out in all the ways that we present it.   You can take a gander at the table of contents here, and read our featured content for June, which happens to be:   • “Keeper of the Wave,” a surreal and twisted tale of magic and guilt from Jamie Killen • “Main Sequence,” a poem of astronomy and identity from Saira Ali • “Bearing Witness,” another

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