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Archive for the ‘Appearances’ Category

THIS THURSDAY: A strange, weird and uncanny reading (+ a terrific AFTERMATH review)

July 11th, 2021 No Comments

I’m delighted to share that on Thursday, July 15, at 8 p.m. EST, I’ll be taking part in the second installment of a summer reading series organized by my colleague in Weird fiction, Daniel Braum. I’m thrilled to be part of a stellar lineup of readers that includes Jeffrey Ford, Laurel Hightower and Gwendolyn Kiste! The Strange. The Weird. And the Uncanny: Summer 2021 Readings #2 will happen live on YouTube, and it will continue to live on YouTube after


Today on the Lovecraft eZine Podcast

June 6th, 2021 No Comments

I’m thrilled to be making my first ever appearance on Mike Davis’s Lovecraft eZine Podcast today (Sunday, June 6) at 6 p.m. EST. I imagine I’ll be talking about some horror books, both those I’ve written and those of others. Catch it live on Youtube (or come back and watch it later)! Cross-posted to Descent Into Light


Celebrating a SINISTER year

June 4th, 2021 No Comments

Hello everybody! It has almost been a year since the premiere of the Mythic Delirium Books anthology A Sinister Quartet. What an astonishing and stressful year it has been — a year of tragedy and resilience. It was absolutely a challenge through that environment to call attention to the release of this odd and not-so-little book (I mean, at a time when people were shying away from dark fiction, we stuck to our course); but hands down. working on A


Come see NIGHTMARES UNEARTHED this Saturday night

March 25th, 2021 1 Comment

I am proud to be a part of Nightmares Unearthed: A Contemporary Horror Reading, a literally monstrous virtual reading that’s going to happen at 8 p.m. this coming Saturday, March 27 (two days from now!) — to join, you need to register using this EventBrite link (click here). Lots more details to be found at this blog post written by our gracious host, C.S.E. Cooney — but I will do my best to convey the goodness. “Nightmares Unearthed” began with


Dark, fantastic, mythic, delirious e-book sale + signed copy offer

March 2nd, 2021 No Comments

I’m pleased to share that Mythic Delirium has found a way to further celebrate the recognition our 2020 titles received in from the latest Locus Recommended Reading List, and furthermore, that we’re able to include our other titles that have direct links to our most recent books. Starting yesterday and continuing for however long we feel like it, both the 2020 dark fantasy anthology A Sinister Quartet and the 2020 horror collection Aftermath of an Industrial Accident are on sale


Apex Holiday Horror Contest and Apex Sponsorship

November 1st, 2020 No Comments

Halloween may have ended, but the occasion for horror certainly has not — and I’m not just talking about the state of the world. There’s plenty of room for the fun kind of horror in other seasons, as the contest that I have the honor of judging amply demonstrates. In the run-up to returning to a full-time publishing schedule after a hiatus of more than a year and a half, the three-time Hugo Award-nominated Apex Magazine is holding a Holiday


Stories from SNOW WHITE LEARNS WITCHCRAFT to appear in Best of the Year anthologies

September 30th, 2020 No Comments

I am celebrating an important day for one of Mythic Delirium Books’ authors by sharing that both of the original stories that Theodora Goss wrote for her collection of fiction and poetry Snow White Learns Witchcraft are getting reprinted in year’s best collections. Both stories are riffs on beloved Hans Christian Andersen yarns. Paula Guran’s latest The Year’s Best Dark Fantasy and Horror, scheduled for an Oct. 20 release, (and numbered “One” instead of 2020, I presume because the publisher



August 13th, 2020 No Comments

Last month (man, has time gotten away from me) I had the privilege to take part in two group readings promoting my most recent offerings as a writer and as a publisher, and those readings have since been archived online where I can share them. Not to mention, I’ll be giving yet another one this Friday at 10 p.m. EST as part of the 2020 Virtual Outer Dark Symposium on the Greater Weird, and in the hour leading up to


Fantastic Fiction at KGB reading from AFTERMATH OF AN INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENT: Wednesday, July 15, 7 p.m.

July 9th, 2020 No Comments

The original plan for this coming Wednesday was for Anita and I to travel to New York, stay alternately with Dan Stace and Nicole Kornher-Stace and then with C. S. E. Cooney and Carlos Hernandez, and then I would arrive in Manhattan with copies of books to sell and read from my second horror collection, Aftermath of an Industrial Accident, at the KGB Bar, alongside Benjamin Rosenbaum, who would read from his first novel, The Unraveling. The reading, at least,


A SINISTER QUARTET reading by Cooney, Wick, McGee and me at Book No Further in Roanoke

July 8th, 2020 No Comments

Alas, C. S. E. Coooney, Jessica P. Wick, Amanda J. McGee and I won’t literally be together in Roanoke, Virginia, for this upcoming reading from A Sinister Quartet. However, we will reunite Saturday, July 18 at 3:30 pm. on Zoom for this new event hosted by independent bookseller Book No Further and the shop’s wonderful proprietor Doloris Vest. The good news is, you don’t have to travel all the way to far Southwest Virginia to see us — you can

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