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Archive for the ‘Appearances’ Category

AMA with Nicole Kornher-Stace on Reddit this Thursday + other upcoming appearances + Patreon

September 11th, 2018 No Comments

If you’re a fan of Nicole Kornher-Stace’s Archivist Wasp and its sequel Latchkey (new-ish from Mythic Delirium Books!), or you’ve had the pleasure of checking out her mind-bending debut novel Desideria (a thing you really should do if you haven’t), or you wonder what happens after the cliffhanger ending of her novelette “Last Chance” (set in the Wasp-verse) you can ask her all about it this Thursday in the r/Fantasy Reddit community. On that day Nicole is conducting her first


Interviews with LATCHKEY author Nicole Kornher-Stace: a roundup

August 20th, 2018 No Comments

A lot has happened since our successful launch of Nicole Kornher-Stace’s novel Latchkey at Readercon last month, and I’ve been remiss about sharing those developments here. (It’s been a busy time!) First off, as we’ve been promoting Latchkey, Nicole has done a few interviews. Here’s a roundup of the ones that have appeared so far. At bestselling author John Scalzi’s popular Whatever blog, Nicole contributes a “Big Idea” essay in which she talks about how Lyme disease and The Golden


LATCHKEY: new reviews and Readercon

July 3rd, 2018 2 Comments

As of today, there’s only a week to go before Nicole Kornher-Stace’s novel Latchkey officially launches. Anita and Nicole and I all plan to come to Readercon in Quincy, Mass., just outside Boston, which takes place Thursday, July 12 through Sunday, July 15, not at all coincidentally the same week Latchkey goes live. For the first time ever, Anita and I will be running a Mythic Delirium Books table in the Readercon bookshop, where we’ll have oodles of copies of


YEAR’S BEST SCIENCE FICTION honorable mentions for CLOCKWORK PHOENIX 5 stories

June 21st, 2017 No Comments

The Year’s Best Science Fiction: Thirty-Fourth Annual Collection edited by Gardner Dozois hits bookstores in July. Our anthology Clockwork Phoenix 5 made a strong showing. The book reprints Rich Larson’s gorgeous sf story “Innumerable Glimmering Lights,” and in addition, the following stories made Dozois’ list of honorable mentions: “The Book of May” by C.S.E. Cooney and Carlos Hernandez “The Wind at His Back” by Jason Kimble “Sabbath Wine” by Barbara Krasnoff “The Trinitite Golem” by Sonya Taaffe “A Guide to


Funding the Outer Dark Symposium

March 9th, 2017 No Comments

I dig the Outer Dark podcast and the fact it focuses on “the Weird” in a way that doesn’t limit the term to a mere synonym for horror with literary ambition, so when organizers Anya Martin and Scott Nicolay announced the first Outer Dark Symposium in Decatur, Georgia, I couldn’t resist the pull of temptation. The event takes place March 25, and I plan to be there, joining in with a very cool roster of guest speakers. You can read


BONE SWANS wins the World Fantasy Award!

November 3rd, 2016 No Comments

At the World Fantasy Convention in Columbus, Ohio, this past weekend (Sunday, Oct. 30), Bone Swans by C.S.E. Cooney won the World Fantasy Award for best collection. Anita and I were there to see Claire Cooney make her acceptance speech, dedicating her win to her mentor, Gene Wolfe. It’s just about impossible for us to express how proud we are to be the publishers of Bone Swans, and what a stunning surprise it was when announcer Gordon Van Gelder read


My 2016 World Fantasy Convention schedule

October 24th, 2016 No Comments

Anita and I will be at the World Fantasy Convention this weekend, primarily to cheer on C.S.E. Cooney, whose book from our imprint, Bone Swans: Stories, is up for the World Fantasy Award for Best Collection against some very stiff competition. Our fingers are crossed regardless. Before Sunday’s ceremony, we’ll have plenty of time to hang out at the bar and chat — but I will be making a couple of “official programming” appearances, both of them on Friday. At


5 Stories from CLOCKWORK PHOENIX 5

October 19th, 2016 No Comments

As Anita and I prepare for an appearance next week at the World Fantasy Convention in Columbus, Ohio, we decided to renew a Clockwork Phoenix tradition. With the release of each volume, we have made a few of the stories from the anthology available free to read, as a sort of sampler platter. Though our plan all along has been to do the same with the new book, life circumstances had delayed us. But no longer! To make up for


Readercon, World Fantasy, GeekMob, Guillermo del Toro

August 8th, 2016 No Comments

Last time I wrote an update, Anita and I were about to drive up to Readercon in Boston. A whole lot has happened since, some of it fun, most of it not fun at all, but for purposes of this update I’m sticking to the fun stuff.   Readercon itself was terrific for us. We held in essence a second launch reading and launch party for the Clockwork Phoenix 5 anthology. Rob Cameron, A.C. Wise, C.S.E. Cooney and Carlos Hernandez,


My schedule at Readercon

July 5th, 2016 No Comments

I’m pleased to share my final schedule for Readercon in Boston this weekend. Anita and I look forward to seeing old friends and making new ones.   We’ll also have copies of all our books with us (our big push will be for Clockwork Phoenix 5, and a little bit extra for The Spider Tapestries, but all the rest will be along, too), in case you want to get one in person and have it signed.   Friday July 08

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