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Archive for the ‘Signal boosts’ Category

Cover art reveal and pre-order links: LATCHKEY by Nicole Kornher-Stace

March 12th, 2018 1 Comment

Latchkey by Nicole Kornher-Stace Scheduled for release July 10, 2018 ISBN 978-0-9889124-8-9 | $17.95 | 336 pages | For Ages 14-18   Available for pre-order (so far) at the following links:   Paperback: Barnes & Noble (at an incredible 29% discount off the cover price!)Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Amazon FR   Ebook: Nook | iBooks | Kobo | Google Play | WeightlessAmazon Kindle pre-orders forthcoming in April   You can also pre-order directly through Mythic Delirium Books.  


Congratulations to Christina Sng, Bram Stoker Award winner!

March 4th, 2018 No Comments

We at Mythic Delirium Books (i.e Anita and I) proudly extend warm congratulations to Christina Sng, whose been the Assistant Digital Editor for Mythic Delirium magazine since 2015. Her poetry book A Collection of Nightmares, published in 2017 by Raw Dog Screaming Press — which surveys more than a decade of dark poetry, including some first published in Mythic Delirium — won the Bram Stoker Award for Best Poetry Collection yesterday at StokerCon in Providence, hometown of H.P. Lovecraft. We’ve


MYTHIC DELIRIUM 20th anniversary e-book sale

January 28th, 2018 No Comments

Here’s where you can find the ebook editions on special: AMAZON | AMAZON UK | AMAZON CAAMAZON AU | AMAZON IN | BARNES & NOBLEiBOOKS | KOBO | GOOGLE PLAY AMAZON | AMAZON UK | AMAZON CAAMAZON AU | AMAZON IN | BARNES & NOBLEiBOOKS | KOBO | GOOGLE PLAY Cover art by Galen Dara We’re coming up on the release of the 20th anniversary issue of Mythic Delirium. That issue will contain double the usual ration of fiction, and


2017 MYTHIC DELIRIUM summation and award eligibility post

December 5th, 2017 2 Comments

On the surface, this was a pretty laid back year for Mythic Delirium Books, at least in the sense that we didn’t publish any books. But our magazine came out like clockwork, and behind the scenes we stayed pretty frantically busy. (Our forthcoming book Latchkey by Nicole Kornher-Stace won’t be the last of such announcements.) Below, alphabetically by author, are all the original stories and poems first published in Mythic Delirium magazine in 2017. Short stories “The Desert Cure” by


Mythic Delirium Books to publish LATCHKEY, a new Archivist Wasp novel from Nicole Kornher-Stace

November 13th, 2017 1 Comment

Mythic Delirium Books proudly announces the acquisition of Nicole Kornher-Stace‘s fantasy novel Latchkey. We’ve set a goal of a mid-July 2018 release for this thought-provoking, genre-blending, action-packed tale set in the ruins of a high-tech civilization, where gods govern the sky and ghosts thirst for blood. Latchkey continues the story begun in Kornher-Stace’s widely acclaimed Archivist Wasp (an Andre Norton Award finalist selected by Kirkus Reviews as one of the Best Teen Books of 2015.) In Latchkey, Isabel, once known


An author and her World Fantasy Award trophy

October 16th, 2017 No Comments

It’s been almost a year since Anita and I sat in the back row at the 2016 World Fantasy Award ceremony and heard C.S.E. Cooney’s name called as the short story collection winner, then got to watch her head to the podium for an unrehearsed speech as our entire row cheered her on. I suspect I don’t need to detail the history here, at least for those tuned into current events in genre publishing, but the World Fantasy Award committee


More honorable mentions for stories from Mythic Delirium Books

October 16th, 2017 No Comments

Ellen Daltow, editor of the Best Horror of the Year series, has released her longlist of 2016 honorable mentions. We’re pleased and proud to share that seven stories and poems from our publications made the list. From Clockwork Phoenix 5 Barbara Krasnoff, “Sabbath Wine” Sonya Taaffe, “The Trinitite Golem” A. C. Wise, “A Guide to Birds by Song (After Death)” From Mythic Delirium Alisa Alering, “We Will Hold,” Mythic Delirium 2.4 (Apr/Jun 2016) Carina Bissett, “Swimming with the Shark Boys,”


World Fantasy Award nominations for CLOCKWORK PHOENIX 5; read Rachael K. Jones’s short fiction finalist

August 2nd, 2017 2 Comments

Last week, we at Mythic Delirium Books (i.e. Anita & I) received terrific news. When the list of nominees for the 2017 World Fantasy Awards went public, Clockwork Phoenix 5 turned out to be represented twice. The entire book is a contender in the category for Best Anthology, and Rachael K. Jones‘s “The Fall Shall Further the Flight in Me,” the second story in the table of contents, is a finalist for Best Short Fiction. As part of our celebration


The summer Mythic Delirium is live: new features by Larson, Yolen, Ness

July 3rd, 2017 No Comments
Cover by Paula Arwen Owen

Our summer 2017 issue begins Mythic Delirium’s fifth year as a digital magazine. We’re pleased to welcome “Dispo and the Crow” author Rich Larson to our pages. Having previously appeared in our our sister publication, Clockwork Phoenix, Larson is an author who has been generating a lot of buzz. The end-of-the-world theme in his story carries over into up-and-coming writer Sandra Odell’s even quirkier “Resistance on a Park Bench, with Stale Bread and Ducks.” This is Odell’s first appearance in


June featured story and poems are live: Krasnoff, Yolen, Taaffe

June 6th, 2017 No Comments

The last featured content from our April–June issue is now free for all to read, bringing our magazine’s fourth year as a digital publication to a close. In “The Ladder-Back Chair,” Nebula Award finalist Barbara Krasnoff details a moving encounter between the living and the dead. 2017 Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America Grand Master Jane Yolen describes a brush with grief personified in “Grave Robber.” An inscription in limestone made more than two thousand years ago inspires Ghost

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