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Mythic Delirium Books • 14/28 • Home of the speculative fiction anthology series Clockwork Phoenix, acclaimed fantasy books by C.S.E. Cooney, Nicole Kornher-Stace, Theodora Goss, Barbara Krasnoff and more, the Mythic Delirium magazine archive, and other projects from author/editor/publisher Mike Allen

Zine archive

Explore back issues of Mythic Delirium
Year Last: July 2017–June 2018
Year Three: July 2016–June 2017
Year Two: July 2015–June 2016
Year One: July 2014–June 2015
Year Zero: July 2013–June 2014


5 Stories from CLOCKWORK PHOENIX 5

October 19th, 2016 No Comments

As Anita and I prepare for an appearance next week at the World Fantasy Convention in Columbus, Ohio, we decided to renew a Clockwork Phoenix tradition. With the release of each volume, we have made a few of the stories from the anthology available free to read, as a sort of sampler platter. Though our plan all along has been to do the same with the new book, life circumstances had delayed us. But no longer! To make up for


The autumn issue of Mythic Delirium is here

October 2nd, 2016 No Comments
Cover art by Bill Rutherfoord

Our fall 2016 issue (click here to view) has arrived, and it is full of ghosts who walk the Earth (or Mars) and people who become as ghosts. In Andrew Gilstrap’s short fiction debut, a man in black with a guitar has a thing or two to share with a roomful of music fans about the afterlife. TJ Radcliffe gives us a story in verse about supernatural vengeance across the sands of Mars. Chris Reinhardt, in his fiction debut, shares


BONE SWANS by C.S.E. Cooney electronic editions now 99 cents

September 24th, 2016 No Comments

C.S.E. Cooney’s Bone Swans: Stories has been selected as a finalist for the 2016 World Fantasy Award for Best Collection. In celebration, Mythic Delirium Books will offer the e-book edition of the book for sale at 99 cents on all platforms through Sunday, Oct. 2. See links below: Available at: Amazon | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon DEAmazon AU | Nook | iBooks | Kobo | Google Play


September features live at MYTHIC DELIRUM: Ogawa, Rath, Yolen

September 1st, 2016 No Comments
Cover art by Lissanne Lake

The featured story and featured poems from the electronic pages of Mythic Delirium 3.1 have gone live for the month of September, meaning the entire issue is now free for all to read. Our newest features are: • “Left Behind,” a wonderful science fiction/magical realism/mythology mashup from Yukimi Ogawa. • Kavitha Rath’s “Morgan Le Fay at the Downtown Mall,” a dark mediation on magic and myth in the modern age. • “Rusalka” by Jane Yolen, an uncompromising meditation on a


August features live at Mythic Delirium: Sriduangkaew, Silveira, Hoffmann

August 8th, 2016 No Comments
Cover art by Lissanne Lake

The featured story and featured poems from the electronic pages of Mythic Delirium 3.1 have gone live for the month of August. They include: • “Comet’s Call,” a science fiction story from Benjanun Sriduangkaew about a mercenary arms trader who is herself a living weapon. • “I learned” by Lyndsey Silveira, a beautiful poem about wolf’s teeth and wisdom imparted. • Ada Hoffmann’s “Million-Year Elegies: Edmontonia,” a wry look at evolutionary misunderstandings and the value of an armored shell. Enjoy!


Readercon, World Fantasy, GeekMob, Guillermo del Toro

August 8th, 2016 No Comments

Last time I wrote an update, Anita and I were about to drive up to Readercon in Boston. A whole lot has happened since, some of it fun, most of it not fun at all, but for purposes of this update I’m sticking to the fun stuff.   Readercon itself was terrific for us. We held in essence a second launch reading and launch party for the Clockwork Phoenix 5 anthology. Rob Cameron, A.C. Wise, C.S.E. Cooney and Carlos Hernandez,


My schedule at Readercon

July 5th, 2016 No Comments

I’m pleased to share my final schedule for Readercon in Boston this weekend. Anita and I look forward to seeing old friends and making new ones.   We’ll also have copies of all our books with us (our big push will be for Clockwork Phoenix 5, and a little bit extra for The Spider Tapestries, but all the rest will be along, too), in case you want to get one in person and have it signed.   Friday July 08


The summer issue of Mythic Delirium is live!

July 5th, 2016 No Comments

This newest issue kicks off the fourth year of Mythic Delirium Mark II, and it launches as Anita and I prepare to see friends and hawk our wares at Readercon.   Our summer offering gives center stage to a trio of voices from the far side of the world: Suzanne J. Willis brings a beautiful and gruesome story of maps inked on skin and where they lead; Benjanun Sriduangkaew shares a story of a space-faring arms dealer who is herself


CLOCKWORK PHOENIX 99 cent ebook special [ENDED]

June 8th, 2016 No Comments

  I’ve launched an experiment here at Mythic Delirium Books. For the next couple weeks or so, ebook editions of all five of the Clockwork Phoenix anthologies are discounted to 99 cents across all the major electronic book platforms. My thanks to Holly Heisey for the snazzy promo banner!   Links to all, or at least most, of the discounted editions below.   Platform Clockwork Phoenix Volume Kindle One Two Three Four Five Kindle UK One Two Three Four Five


Our new alphabetical site map

June 8th, 2016 No Comments

Mythic Delirium Books at last has a site map!   On this page, you can find all the stories and poems from all the online issues of Mythic Delirium, sorted alphabetically by author. The index also includes all the stories from the Clockwork Phoenix anthology series and in C.S.E. Cooney’s collection Bone Swans, with links to the landing pages for the individual books.     I gotta give a shout of gratitude to Jacob Clifton, who super-generously made this page

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