We at Mythic Delirium Books want to offer a huge, heartfelt congratulations to C.S.E. Cooney, whose story “The Bone Swans of Amandale” from her collection Bone Swans is now a finalist for the Nebula Award for Best Novella! You can read Claire’s Nebula nominated story free on our website — and of course, you can buy the collection, too! This honor comes on top of 2015 Locus Recommended Reading List appearances for both “Bone Swans” the novella and
A.C. Wise was kind enough to conduct an interview with me today about my forthcoming collection of short stories, The Spider Tapestries, that coincides with a giveaway of 10 paperback ARCs that launched today on Goodreads. You can read the interview here. Details of the giveaway can be found here and they are also boxed inside the widget: Goodreads Book Giveaway The Spider Tapestries by Mike Allen Giveaway ends February 29, 2016. See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
On Feb. 2 (Groundhog Day!) as part of the New York Review of Science Fiction/Hour of the Wolf reading series in Brooklyn, Clockwork Phoenix 5 author Barbara Krasnoff read her contribution to the anthology, the moving ghost story “Sabbath Wine,” providing audience members with a preview of the book. Barbara was paired with fantasy and horror writer Richard Bowes. The reading was livestreamed and remains available on video. Barbara starts reading “Sabbath Wine” at about 12 minutes in.
This post first appeared at Descent into Light. I’m hugely honored that Jeffrey Thomas, author of the cult classic genre mashup Punktown, took time away from his busy writing schedule to craft a blurb for my forthcoming collection The Spider Tapestries. And I’m doubly honored by what he had to say: “We think of science fiction, fantasy, and horror as genres of the imagination, but someone like Mike Allen shows us how lacking in daring and vision
It’s a constant refrain here at Mythic Delirium Books right now: so much is happening that it’s a challenge to coherently chronicle it. Last week we enjoyed the unexpected but much deserved appearance of C.S.E. Cooney’s collection Bone Swans and novella “The Bone Swans of Amandale” on the 2015 Locus Recommended Reading List. In the zine zone, we also released our featured story and featured poems for February, offering variations on hellish themes from the “pages” of the Jan.-March
On Feb. 1 (by coincidence, my birthday) Locus magazine posted its 2015 Recommended Reading List, and we at Mythic Delirium got a wonderful present. Not only did our first book of short stories by one author, Bone Swans by C.S.E. Cooney, make the best collection list — the book’s original novella, “The Bone Swans of Amandale,” made the best novella list. We’re so proud of Claire! To celebrate the recognition her work is getting, and encourage more of
This past week, Publishers Weekly reviewed my new short story collection, The Spider Tapestries, and I feel like one lucky author, because whoever wrote the review seems to have understood my super-strange little book on every level. The gist of the review: “Elegant language and surrealistic themes defy genre and moral expectations in the weird and transgressive stories found in this collection . . . Allen’s pairing of individualistic suffering and cosmic hugeness evokes a lyrical friction between
Hey, everybody, mark your calendars for Clockwork Phoenix 5 launch reading, one the books to take place April 5 at 7 p.m. in The Brooklyn Commons Cafe at 388 Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn, New York as part of the New York Review of Science Fiction/Hour of the Wolf Reading series. I’ll be there with bells on, and so will seven of the book’s 21 contributors: Rob Cameron, C. S. E. Cooney, Barbara Krasnoff, Carlos Hernandez, Sonya Taaffe, Shveta Thakrar, and
Anita and I want to extend our proud congratulations to Swapna Kishore, whose short story “The Absence of Words” from our January-March 2015 issue is going to be reprinted in Paula Guran’s The Year’s Best Dark Fantasy and Horror: 2016, forthcoming from Prime Books. We’re really happy for Swapna, and pleased that her haunting story will get a chance to reach a new audience. We’re also delighted for reasons of enlightened self-interest. The Clockwork Phoenix books have had
I’m a bit behind everyone else in posting something like this, to which I apologize to the authors, who all deserve as much attention as possible for their terrific work. I have a reasonable excuse, though, as for the past three and a half months I’ve been preoccupied with finalizing all the e-book and paperback editions of books that I owed the backers of the Clockwork Phoenix 5 Kickstarter. There’s still plenty more to be done, but I’ve reached a