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Mythic Delirium Books • 27/28 • Home of the speculative fiction anthology series Clockwork Phoenix, acclaimed fantasy books by C.S.E. Cooney, Nicole Kornher-Stace, Theodora Goss, Barbara Krasnoff and more, the Mythic Delirium magazine archive, and other projects from author/editor/publisher Mike Allen

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Explore back issues of Mythic Delirium
Year Last: July 2017–June 2018
Year Three: July 2016–June 2017
Year Two: July 2015–June 2016
Year One: July 2014–June 2015
Year Zero: July 2013–June 2014


The CLOCKWORK PHOENIX 4 special edition returns home

October 17th, 2013 1 Comment

The biggest single prize we offered for the Kickstarter to fund our anthology Clockwork Phoenix 4 was a special edition signed by all the contributors. One backer pledged for this…   …And we made it happen! That special edition has returned home from its journey around the world. The pictures (by Anita) say it all.      


Hear The Wanderer King by Alisa Alering from CLOCKWORK PHOENIX 4 at Podcastle

October 15th, 2013 No Comments

The folks at Podcastle have adapted a second story from Clockwork Phoenix 4 to audio — this time it’s “The Wanderer King” by Alisa Alering. Click here to have a listen.   A sample from the text:     We steer clear of the mines–that’s Fixer territory. The Wanderers are dangerous, too, ever since they came fighting back around Day 30. But there’s always been less of them–less in all, and less because they scatter through the woods on their


A quick update on submissions to MYTHIC DELIRIUM

October 13th, 2013 2 Comments

The reading window for the next few issues of Mythic Delirium — from Issue 0.3, Jan.-March 2014, through however many more issues can be filled with what we decide to keep — closed October 2.   I’ve finished my first read of all the submissions we received (about 250.) At this point if you sent something in and haven’t heard from me either your work is being held for further review or (unlikely, but not impossible) you’ve slipped through the


MYTHIC DELIRIUM 0.2 is live + October featured content is up!

October 1st, 2013 1 Comment

I’m proud to announce that Mythic Delirium 0.2 is live and kicking.   Our second issue in our new format explores the fantastic in contemporary settings, with Georgina Bruce’s beautifully-written tale of a truck driver’s troubled life and holy visions, Patty Templeton’s funny and bittersweet take on a legendary figure from the American West, and David Sklar’s saucy venture among urban angels; poems include Jennifer Crow’s heartfelt look at a grim injustice, Yoon Ha Lee’s genre-bending examination of creatures from


The CLOCKWORK PHOENIX 4 special edition in Amsterdam

September 29th, 2013 No Comments

The adventures of the special signed-by-all-the-authors edition of Clockwork Phoenix 4 continues.   Corinne Duyvis, who contributed “Lilo Is” to the book, sends this picture from Amsterdam. In documenting the books travels, she writes, “My Dutch thing of choice was a poffertjes stand, which is very, very Dutch indeed (and also very delicious).”   She’s the first contributor to pose with the book, perhaps because she made the mistake of asking me if I’d like her to do so, hee.


A quick note on MYTHIC DELIRIUM submissions and Issue 0.2

September 23rd, 2013 No Comments

Folks, due to a confluence of many, many overlapping events, I have only now begun to start responding to Mythic Delirium submissions — so my apologies for not being quicker on the draw. Most people who’ve sent something in won’t hear anything until after the reading window closes Oct. 1.   If you’re concerned, queries are always welcome. #SFWApro   The ebook editions of Mythic Delirium 0.2 went out to subscribers this Sunday. Because much of this website is still


MYTHIC DELIRIUM: contents for digital issue 0.2 and print issue 29

September 15th, 2013 2 Comments

This past month I’ve been working on two new issues of Mythic Delirium — the second digital issue, which features fiction from Georgina Bruce, Patty Templeton and David Sklar and poetry from Yoon Ha Lee, Jennifer Crow, Liz Bourke and more; and the second-to-last print issue with poems from Ada Hoffmann, Sonya Taaffe, Kurt Newton, Deborah P Kolodji and many more. I’m pleased to be able to share the table of contents of this double offering. Issue 0.2 will launch



September 5th, 2013 No Comments

The September issue of Locus Magazine contains some nice words about Clockwork Phoenix 4 from short fiction reviewer Rich Horton:   Clockwork Phoenix 4 is a continuation of a first rate series of anthologies … The book is stylistically of a piece with its predecessors – a set of well-written stories occupying multiple subgenres, usually in the same story, often ambiguously.   One of the strangest stories is from Thai writer Benjanun Sriduangkaew, who has been attracting notice with some


MYTHIC DELIRIUM September featured content is live

September 3rd, 2013 No Comments

The last triad of featured content from our first online issue, Mythic Delirium 0.1, has gone live.   We’re proud to present a new short story from Ken Liu, “Echoes in the Dark.” It just so happens that Ken won his second Hugo Award for short fiction this past Sunday at the World Science Fiction Convention in San Antonio, Texas. (Congratulations, Ken!)   Our featured poems this month come from Amal El-Mohtar, who contributes the wry and moving “This Talk


The CLOCKWORK PHOENIX 4 special edition in Hong Kong

August 27th, 2013 No Comments

The special edition of Clockwork Phoenix 4 that’s being signed by all the contributors has made its stop in Hong Kong. Benjanun Sriduangkaew (who contributed “The Bees Her Heart, the Hive Her Belly”) shared this photo before sending it on to its next stop (which, by the way, is in Australia.)     You can see previous stops at my homepage, here, here and here. I plan to do a big wrap-up post once we’re all done.   #SFWApro

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