In part in the spirit of awards season, in part in the spirit of promotion, in part in the spirit of sharing a really cool and wonderful thing to an audience, we have made Barbara Krasnoff’s short story “An Awfully Big Adventure” available to read for free on our site. This story was published for the first time in The History of Soul 2065, Barbara’s short story collection that’s also a mosaic novel, which we released in June. Over at
In 2019, Mythic Delirium Books completed its transition from publishing a mixture of books and magazine issues to putting out only books. We put out two books in 2019, Snow White Learns Witchcraft by Theodora Goss and The History of Soul 2065 by Barbara Krasnoff. We pride ourselves at Mythic Delirium on our willingness to get behind great books that more commercial publishers are squeamish about because they don’t fit in neat categories, and we certainly stuck to that mission.
I’m posting one more reminder that two Mythic Delirium Books authors will be reading today in the Fantastic Fiction at KGB series held every third Wednesday of the month at the storied KGB bar in Manhattan: Nicole Kornher-Stace, author of Latchkey, and Barbara Krasnoff, author of The History of Soul 2065. If you can make it there, you don’t want to miss out.
At Readercon in July, Mythic Delirium Books (i.e. Anita and me) managed to pull off a spectacularly successful launch for The History of Soul 2065 by Barbara Krasnoff, as well as a secondary stage launch for Snow White Learns Witchcraft by Theodora Goss — we sold out all of our copies of both books! While I hope to recap all of that more thoroughly at some point in the not too distant future, I’m playing a different sort of catch
Today is Theodora Goss’s birthday, and we’re adding to the festivities in our own way, by adding additional verses to the collection’s contents. All editions of Snow White Learns Witchcraft now contain a 24th poem, “In the Snow Queen’s Castle,” original to the book, as well as a revision to the previously included poem “Mr. Fox.” Also, the $2.99 special celebrating the impending release of Dora’s new novel The Sinister Mystery of the Mesmerizing Girl continues through at least this
In anticipation of the Oct. 1 release of Theodora Goss’s next novel, The Sinister Mystery of the Mesmerizing Girl, we at Mythic Delirium Books decided to hold a half-price sale on the electronic edition of our own 2019 Theodora Goss release, Snow White Learns Witchcraft: Stories and Poems. Through (at least) Oct. 3, the e-book will be available for $2.99 (or the currency equivalent) in the following bookseller venues: Amazon | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon FR
I certainly didn’t expect, 15 months after shutting down Mythic Delirium, that I was ever going to have more news to share about my dear, departed zine. July proved me wrong. First, let me congratulate Beth Cato, for winning the 2019 Rhysling Award in the short poem category with “After Her Brother Ripped the Heads from Her Paper Dolls,” a poem that’s as much about the November 2016 election as it is about supernatural vengeance. Well done and well deserved!
Today (at long last, or so it seems) is the book birthday for The History of Soul 2065 by Barbara Krasnoff, a book project the author first proposed to me in April 2016, during the launch reading in Brooklyn for Clockwork Phoenix 5. For me, then, releasing Krasnoff’s debut short story collection/mosaic novel comes as the culmination of a three year gestation period, though for Barbara it’s been in the works far longer, about 20 years. I think she’s pulled
We’re now a month away from the release of The History of Soul 2065, Barbara Krasnoff’s debut collection of short stories. The first reviews have come in, and they’re glowing. Publishers Weekly was first out of the gate, with one of their coveted starred reviews. This remarkable mosaic of interconnected stories, many of which were previously published, spans generations to relay the strange, somber, and deeply entwined histories of two Jewish families. In 1914, Chana, a Russian, and Sophia, a
The first big Mythic Delirium Books event of 2019 takes place Tuesday, April 2, starting 6:30 p.m. in the Brooklyn Commons Cafe at 388 Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn, NY (natch!), as a part of the New York Review of Science Fiction Reading Series. (Generally, the readings take place at Brooklyn Commons the first Tuesday of each month.) It will be an evening of full of magic. The event will serve as the official launch reading for Snow White Learns Witchcraft by